(1)电力行业:沈阳市热电厂、华能汕头电厂、珠江热源厂、沈西热电厂、国电沈阳热电有限公司、牡丹江第二发电厂、内蒙古托克托发电厂、邹平电厂、内蒙古伊敏发电厂、新疆天业集团、中国大唐集团吕四发电有限公司,辽宁东方电厂、沈阳金山热电股份有限公司、清河发电有限责任公司、赤峰平庄发电有限公司、内蒙古大板发电有限责任公司、哈汽、等厂家提供 200MW- 1000MW机组提供高压阀门及再热主汽调节阀精回工全序、抽汽止逆阀、六通切换阀、快关调节阀、汽封管路等;
时间 Date |
用户名称 Name of user |
产品名称 Name of product |
订货数量(套) Quantity of order (set/ton) |
口径、压力 PNMPa、Size(DNmm), pressure(PN MPa) |
备注 Remarks |
2015.01 2015/01 |
内蒙古哈伦能源电厂 Inner Mongolia Haren energy power plant |
截止阀/疏水阀 Globe valves/ Drain valve |
67 | PN1.6~25.0DN20~50 | 哈伦1/2#供热改造 2×330MW Haren Heating transformation |
2015.01 2015/01 |
内蒙古国电兴安热电有限责任公司 Inner Mongolia Guodian Xing-an thermoelectric co.,Ltd |
截止阀/疏水阀 Globe valves/ Drain valve |
22 | PN1.6~4.0 DN15~100 | 供热改造2×340MW Heating transformation |
2015.01 2015/01 |
大唐湖南株州攸县电厂 Datang Hunan Zhuzhou Youxian power plant |
截止阀、蝶阀、止回阀 Globe valves、Butterfly valve、Check valves |
100 | PN1.6~4.0DN50~100 | 1#2#汽封管道 2×630MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.01 2015/01 |
抚顺热电厂 Fushun thermal power plant |
隔离阀/疏水阀 Globe valves/ Drain valve |
8 | Z962Y-P54 170V DN100~250 | 抚顺热电1#2# 2×300MW Fushun thermal power |
2015.02 2015/02 |
吉林大唐长山热电厂 Jilin Datang Changshan thermal power plant |
截止阀、蝶阀 Globe valves、Butterfly valve |
120 | PN1.6~2.5DN50~250 | 汽封管道2×600MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.02 2015/02 |
乌兹别克斯坦安格连电厂 Uzbekistan Angren power plant |
截止阀/疏水阀 Globe valves/ Drain valve |
8 | PN1.0DN40 | 1×150MW 检修Overhaul |
2015.02 2015/02 |
广西柳州发电有限责任公司 Guangxi Liuzhou Power Generation Co., Ltd. |
截止阀、止回阀 Globe valves、Check valves |
117 | PN1.6~6.3DN50~200 | 汽封管道2×220MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.02 2015/02 |
抚顺石油化工公司热电厂 Fushun Petrochemical Company Thermal Power Plant |
截止阀 Globe valves |
5 | PN2.5DN15 | 检修Overhaul |
2015.02 2015/02 |
魏桥沾化电厂 Weiqiao zhanhua power plant |
压力表截止阀、止回阀、蝶阀 Pressure gauge valve、Check valves、Butterfly valve |
133 | PN1.6DN25~200 | 3#4#汽封管道 2×300MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.03 2015/03 |
同煤大唐塔山电厂 Tashan Coal power plant |
截止阀、球阀、止回阀、 Globe valves、Ball valves、Check valves |
201 | PN1.6~2.5DN40~100 | 汽封管道2×660MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.03 2015/03 |
大唐七台河发电有限公司 Datang qitaihe power generation co., Ltd |
截止阀、闸阀 Globe valves、Gate Valves |
19 | PN1.6~16.0/P54 140VDN20~400 | 供热改造2×600MW Heating transformation |
2015.03 2015/03 |
华能北方公司和林电厂 Huaneng Northern company Helin power plant |
截止阀 Globe valves |
90 | PN1.6~25.0DN15~250 | 汽封管道2×600MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.03 2015/03 |
华润六枝电厂 Huarun Liuzhi power plant |
截止阀、六通阀、节流阀 Globe valves、Six-way valve、Throttle valve |
66 | PN1.6~4.0 DN15~250 | 供热改造1x660MW Heating transformation |
2015.03 2015/03 |
特变电工杜尚别矿业有限公司 TBEA Dushanbe Mining Co. Ltd. |
水封阀、止回阀、截止阀、蝶阀 Water seal valve、Check valves、Globe valves、Butterfly valve |
164 | PN1.6~2.5DN50~200 | 供热改造2x50MW Heating transformation |
2015.03 2015/03 |
中电投集团公司赤峰热电厂 The CPI Group Company of Chifeng thermal power plant |
截止阀、蝶阀、止回阀 Globe valves、Butterfly valve、Check valves |
140 | PN1.6~4.0DN20~200 | 供热改造2x600MW Heating transformation |
2015.03 2015/03 |
辽宁东方发电有限公司 Liaoning Oriental power generation co., Ltd |
放气阀、截止阀、疏水阀、球阀、六通阀 Bleed valve、Globe valves、Drain valve、Ball valves、Six-way valve |
34 | PN1.0~1.6DN80~200 | 辽宁东方改造2x600MW Liaoning Oriental transform |
2015.04 2015/04 |
中电投永济热电厂 The CPI Group Company of Yongji thermal power plant |
闸阀、疏水阀 Gate valves、Drain valve |
8 | PN6.4~16.0 DN32~65 | 2x600MW检修Overhaul |
2015.04 2015/04 |
印度阿诺普电厂 India Anoop power plant |
截止阀 Globe valves |
4 | PN2.5DN80~100 | 4x330MW检修Overhaul |
2015.04 2015/04 |
徐州华美电力工程有限责任公司 Xuzhou Huamei electric power engineering co.,Ltd |
截止阀/疏水阀 Globe valves/ Drain valve |
36 | PN1.6DN15~125 | 检修Overhaul |
2015.05 2015/05 |
源和电站股份有限公司 Yuanhe power station Limited by Share Ltd |
截止阀、闸阀 Globe valves、Gate valves |
38 | PN1.6DN40~80 | 汽封管道 Steam seal pipe |
2015.05 2015/05 |
抚顺热电厂 Fushun thermal power plant |
截止阀/疏水阀 Globe valves/ Drain valve |
51 | PN1.6~10.0DN15~150 | 供热改造2×300MW Heating transformation |
2015.05 2015/05 |
中电投中卫热电厂 The CPI Group Company of Zhongwei thermal power plant |
截止阀/疏水阀 Globe valves/ Drain valve |
147 | PN1.6~6.3DN80~100 | 汽封管道2×350MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.05 2015/05 |
华能西宁热电有限责任公司 Huaneng Xining thermal power co.,Ltd |
截止阀 Globe valves |
102 | PN1.6~6.3DN40~200 | 汽封管道2×350 MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.05 2015/05 |
华电哈尔滨热电厂 Huadian Harbin thermal power plant |
止回阀 Check valves |
5 | PN1.6DN80~100 | 2×300MW检修Overhaul |
2015.06.29 2015/06/29 |
河北国华沧东发电有限责任公司 Hebei guohua surging east power generation co., Ltd |
连通管蝶阀、液动快关蝶阀/减温阀组 Communicating pipe butterfly valve、Hydraulic quick-closing valve |
6 | PN2.5~4.0 DN1000~1200/ PN1.6~4.0DN600/15 | 供热改造2x600MW Heating transformation |
2015.07 2015/07 |
哈尔滨汽轮机厂辅机工程有限公司 Harbin turbine co., Ltd |
液动快关调节阀 Hydraulic quick-closing valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN900 | 供热改造 Heating transformation |
2015.07 2015/07 |
华电富拉尔基热电厂 Huadian Fulaerji thermal power plant |
截止阀、闸阀 Globe valves、Gate valves |
46 | PN1.6~6.4DN50~100 Z962Y-P54 140V DN250 |
汽封管道2x350MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.07 2015/07 |
华能苏州热电有限责任公司 Huaneng Suzhou thermal power Co.,Ltd |
蝶阀/气动抽汽止逆阀 Butterfly valve/ Pneumatic pumping valve |
4 | PN1.6 DN200 | 供热改造2x600MW Heating transformation |
2015.08 2015/08 |
神华(福州)罗源湾港电有限公司 Fuhua (Fuzhou) Hong Kong Electric Co.,Ltd. In Luoyuan Bay |
截止阀、闸阀 Globe valves、Gate valves |
48 | PN4.0~6.3DN15 | 汽封管道4x1000MW Steam seal pipe |
2015.08 2015/08 |
长春东南热电厂 Changchun Southeast thermal power plant |
截止阀、止回阀 Globe valves、Check valves |
56 | PN1.6~4.0DN50~100 | 供热改造2x350MW Heating transformation |
2015.08 2015/08 |
内蒙古霍林河锦联电厂 Inner Mongolia Huolinhe Jinlian power plant |
蝶阀、截止阀 Butterfly valve、Globe valves |
6 | PN1.6DN32~250 | 4x660MW检修Overhaul |
2015.09.15 2015/09/15 |
吉林电力股份有限公司 Jilin electric power co., Ltd |
连通管蝶阀、液动快关调节阀 Communicating pipe butterfly valve、Hydraulic quick-closing valve |
8 | PN2.5~4.0 DN900~1200 | 改造3#4# 2x600MW Baicheng transform |
2015.10.21 2015/10/21 |
内蒙古大阪发电有限责任公司 Osaka in Inner Mongolia power generation co., Ltd |
连通管抽汽蝶阀、液动快关阀、电动闸阀 Communicating pipe Suction butterfly valve、 Hydraulic quick-closing valve、Electric gate valves |
8 | PN2.5 DN1000~1200 | 大阪改造2x600MW Osaka transform |
2015.12.03 2015/12/03 |
辽宁清河发电有限责任公司 Liaoning qinghe power generation co., Ltd |
电动闸阀 Electric gate valves |
2 | 150Lb 36” | 清河改造2x600MW Qinghe transform |
时间 Date |
用户名称 Name of user |
产品名称 Name of product |
订货数量(台/套) Quantity of order (set/ton) |
口径、压力 PNMPa、Size(DNmm), pressure(PN MPa) |
备注 Remarks |
2016.01.13 2016/01/13 |
哈尔滨汽轮机 有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd |
截止阀、止回阀、安全阀 Globe valves、Check valves、Safety valve |
18 | DN40~150 | 汽封管道 Gland duct |
2016.03.10 2016/03/10 |
辽宁清河发电有限责任公司Liaoning qinghe power generation co., Ltd | 循环水液控蝶阀及配件 Circulating water controlled butterfly valve and accessories |
2 | 10Q DN2000 | 水泵出口蝶阀2x600MW Water pump outlet butterfly valve |
2016.03.28 2016/03/28 |
辽宁汽轮动力有限公司 Liaoning steam turbine power co., Ltd |
法兰截止阀 Flange globe valve |
2 | 150Lb4” | 换热机组 Heat exchanger unit |
2016.04.12 2016/04/12 |
辽宁汽轮动力有限公司 Liaoning steam turbine power co., Ltd |
法兰截止阀 Flange globe valve |
17 | 150Lb/300Lb 1”~2-1/2” |
换热机组 Heat exchanger unit |
2016.04.15 2016/04/15 |
哈尔滨汽轮机厂 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd |
六通阀 Six-way valve |
17 | DN200~300 PN1.6 |
电厂润滑油系统 Power plant lubrication system |
2016.04.20 2016/04/20 |
上海华通阀门有限公司牡丹江销售处 | 截止阀、调节阀、闸阀及减温阀组 Globe valves、Regulator valve、Gate Valve、Thermostatic Valve Group |
14 | PN1.6/DN200 QSTD-WT-200 DTF41H-16C DN200 WY02-033MX |
供热改造2x1000MW Heating transformation |
2016.04.22 2016/04/22 |
山西榆林电厂 Shanxi yulin power plant | 气动快关止逆阀 Pneumatic quick check valve |
1 | PN6.4/DN350 | 供热改造2x1000MW Heating transformation |
2016.05.10 2016/05/10 |
沈阳波特科技有限公司 Shenyang Potter science and Technology Co., Ltd. |
循环水液控蝶阀 Circulating water controlled butterfly valve |
2 | 10C DN1800 | 循环水液控蝶阀 Circulating water controlled butterfly valve and accessories |
2016.05.13 2016/05/13 |
魏桥沾化电厂 Weiqiao zhanhua power plant |
汽封管道、疏水管道、低压缸排气喷水管道 Gland duct、Drain pipe、Low pressure cylinder exhaust jet pipe |
6套 | CH02.501Z-5(¢219) CH02.511Z-5(¢48) CH01.521Z(¢44) | 汽封管道2×300MW Steam seal pipe |
2016.05.13 2016/05/13 |
华电南疆热电有限公司 Tianjin huadian xinjiang thermal power co., Ltd |
汽封管道 Steam seal pipe |
1套 | 155.501Z-1(含155.513Z-1) | 汽封管道1×900MW Steam seal pipe |
2016.05.13 2016/05/13 |
深能保定发电有限公司 Shengneng banding power generation co., Ltd |
汽封管道、低压缸喷水管道 Gland duct、Low pressure cylinder hydraulic pipe |
4套 | CH02F.501Z(含CH02F.513Z) CH02F.521Z |
汽封管道2×350MW Steam seal pipe |
2016.05.13 2016/05/13 |
华能陕西榆林能源开发有限公司 Huaneng shanxi yulin energy development co., Ltd |
汽封管道、疏水系统阀门及附件、低压缸排气喷水管道 Gland duct、Hydrophobic system valves and accessories、Low pressure cylinder exhaust jet pipe |
4套 | CHK03.501Z-5(含CHK03.513Z-5) CHK02.521Z-8 |
汽封管道2x1000MW Steam seal pipe |
2016.05.13 2016/05/13 |
宁夏电投西夏热电有限公司 Ningxia electric xixia thermoelectric co., Ltd |
汽封管道、疏水系统阀门及附件、低压缸排气喷水管道 Gland duct、Hydrophobic system valves and accessories、Low pressure cylinder exhaust jet pipe |
4套 | CHK03.501Z-6(含CHK03.513Z-6) CHK02.521Z-8 |
汽封管道2×350MW Steam seal pipe |
2016.05.13 2016/05/13 |
大唐绥化热电有限公司 Datang suihua thermal power co., Ltd |
汽封管道、疏水系统阀门及附件、低压缸喷水管道 Gland duct、Hydrophobic system valves and accessories、Low pressure cylinder exhaust jet pipe |
4套 | CH02A.501Z-20(含CH02A.513Z-20) CH02A.521Z-20 |
汽封管道2×350MW Steam seal pipe |
2016.06.07 2016/06/07 |
哈尔滨汽轮机 有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd |
六通阀 Six-way valve |
4 | B6QHF-16P DN250 | 电厂润滑油系统 Power plant lubrication system |
2016.07.30 2016/07/30 |
哈尔滨汽轮机 有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd |
六通阀 Six-way valve |
3 | B6QHF-16P DN300/350 | 电厂润滑油系统 Power plant lubrication system |
2016.07.30 2016/07/30 |
哈尔滨汽轮机 有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.,Ltd |
截止阀、止回阀、安全阀 Globe valves、Check valves、Safety valve |
80 | DN40~150 | 汽封管道 Steam seal pipe |
2016.07.30 2016/07/30 |
哈尔滨汽轮机 有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.,Ltd |
再热主汽调节阀 | 4 | CH02.306Z(CH02.3061Z/2Z) | 电厂新建机组 New power plant |
2016.07.30 2016/07/30 |
哈尔滨汽轮机 有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.,Ltd |
六通阀 Six-way valve |
1 | HB6QHF-16P DN250 | 电厂润滑油系统 Power plant lubrication system |
2016.07.15 2016/07/15 |
哈尔滨汽轮机 有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.,Ltd |
六通阀 Six-way valve |
3 | B6QHF-16P DN300 | 电厂润滑油系统 Power plant lubrication system |
2016.08.25 2016/08/25 |
哈尔滨汽轮机 有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.,Ltd |
液动快关调节阀 六通阀 Six-way valve |
3 | YGXD763H-25 DN500/2 YGXD763H-16C DN1000/1 B6QHF-16P DN150 |
大庆宏伟新建机组 2×350MW Daqing Hongwei New power plant |
2016.08.25 2016/08/25 |
哈尔滨汽轮机 有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.,Ltd |
气动抽汽止逆阀 | 6 | CKgH764H-64I DN200 CKgH764H-25 DN200/250/500/2 DKgH664H-16C DN1000 |
大庆宏伟供热改造 Daqing Hongwei Heating transformation |
2016.09.30 2016/09/30 |
沈阳海斯克换热设备有限公司 | 六通阀 Six-way valve |
6 | B6QHF-10P DN50 | 沈鼓集团润滑油冷却Shengu Group Lube Cooling |
2016.09.20 2016/09/20 |
广西汉都仪进出口有限公司 | 六通阀 Six-way valve |
1 | DB6QHF-10P DN200 | 出口印度 Export to India |
2016.11.20 2016/11/20 |
沈阳鼓风机集团股份有限公司 | 三、六通切换阀 Wednesday\Six-way valve |
15 | 3ZSF-16P/C DN100 6ZSF-16P/C DN100 3ZSF-150LB/P DN100 6ZSF-150LB/P DN100 |
沈鼓集团润滑油冷却Shengu Group Lube Cooling |
2016.11.30 2016/11/30 |
沈阳海斯克换热设备有限公司 | 三通切换阀 Wednesday-way valve |
4 | B3QHF-20P DN100 | 沈鼓集团润滑油冷却Shengu Group Lube Cooling |
时间 Date |
用户名称 Name of user |
产品名称 Name of product |
订货数量(台/套 ) Quantity of order (set/ton) |
口径、压力 PNMPa、Size(DNmm), pressure(PN MPa) |
备注 Remarks |
2017.03.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd |
再热主汽调节阀 Reheat main steam control valve |
6 | CH02.3061Z/CH02.306 .2Z |
国电兰州 2#2x660MW 中能建贺州 包头稀土铝业 1#2# |
2017.04.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd |
蝶阀 Butterfly valve |
5 | D741H-25C DN1000 D741H-16C DN1350 | 合盛鄯善 1#2#、2× 350MW 渭河 6#、万众 1#2#供热 改 造 Heating transformation |
2017.04.30 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd |
气动抽气止逆阀 Pneumatic check valve |
4 | DKGH664H-100I DN200 | 吕四港 1/4#供热改造4×660MW Heating transformation |
2017.04.30 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公 司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd | 六通阀 Six valve |
2 | B6QHF-16P 长 DN200 | 国电兰州 1#2#电厂润滑油系统 2x350MW Power plant lubrication system |
2017.05.10 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公 司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd | 气动快关阀 Pneumatic quick closing valve |
2 | DKGQ647F-64P DN80 | 华能苏州供热改造 2x300MW Heating transformation |
2017.05.20 | 良一(北京)科技有限公司 Liang yi (Beijing) technology co. LTD |
六通切换阀 Six way switch valve |
1 | B6QHF-10P DN150 | 中国原子能科学研 究院快堆 1×220MW China Institute of Atomic Energy Fast Reactor |
2017.06.05 | 桦川协联生物质能热电有限公司 Huachuan colian bio-energy thermal power co. LTD |
闸阀 Gate valves |
3 | P54 170V DN200 | 生产检修 2x300MW Production and maintenance |
2017.6.10 | 北京全三维能源科技股份 有限公司 All three dimensional energy Polytron Technologies Inc of Beijing |
循环水液控蝶阀及配件 Circulating water controlled butterfly valve and accessories |
2 | 10Q DN2000 | 水泵出口蝶阀 Water pump outlet butterfly valve |
2017.7.5 | 黑龙江远大机电贸易有限公 司Heilongjiang Grand Motor Trading Co. Ltd.. |
截止阀、调节阀、闸阀及减温 阀组等 Globe valves、Regulator valve、Gate Valve、Thermostatic Valve Group |
11 | PN1.6/DN250 QSTD-WT-250 DTF41H-16C DN250 WY02-051MX | 生产检修 2x300MW Production and maintenance |
2017.07.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公 司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd | 蝶阀 Butterfly valve |
4 | YKXD743H-25C DN1200 | 大唐盘山 3#/4#供热改 造 2x600MW Heating transformation |
2017.08.15 | 华电能源股份有限公司牡丹江第二发电厂Huadian energy co., LTD., mudanjiang second power plant |
电动蝶阀 Electric butterfly valve |
9 | D943H-25 DN1200 | 供热改造 2x300MW Heating transformation |
2017.07.20 | 沈阳波特科技有限公司 Shenyang port technology co. LTD | 气动调节阀 Pneumatic control valve |
16 | 2''-150# | 出口产品 export product |
2017.7.30 | 华电能源股份有限公司牡 丹江第二发电厂 Huadian energy co., LTD., mudanjiang second power plant |
焊接球阀 Welded ball valve |
2 | PN25 DN350 | 供热改造 2×300MW Heating transformation |
2017.08.10 | 华电能源股份有限公司牡丹江第二发电厂Huadian energy co., LTD., mudanjiang second power plant |
抗冲刷调节三偏心金属硬密封蝶阀堆焊 Anti-scour adjustment three eccentric metal hard seal butterfly valve surfacing welding |
8 | D343H-25C DN800 | 供热改造 2x300MW Heating transformation |
2017.08.15 | 北京全三维能源科技股份 有限公司 Beijing full 3d energy technology co. LTD |
联通管蝶阀 Unicom butterfly valve |
2 | D741H-16C DN1400 | 牡丹江第二发电厂供 热改造 2x300MW Heating transformation |
2017.08.15 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
联通管蝶阀、气动式抽汽止逆阀、液动快关调节阀Connect the butterfly valve, pneumatic extraction and check valve, hydraulic quick-closing adjusting valve |
3 | YKXD743H-25C DN1400、CKgH667H-40C DN600、YGXD763-40C DN600 | 渭河 5#及武乡改造供热改造4x300MW,2x600MW Heating transformation |
2017.9.5 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
六通阀 Six valve |
12 | B6QHF-16P DN150 B6QHF-16P DN250 B6QHF-16P DN80 B6QHF-16P DN200 B6QHF-16P DN300 B6QHF-16P DN200 | 长三热项目 1#2# 越南海阳 1#2# 神华宝清工业机 1#2# 神华宝清 1#2# 华润锦州Power plant lubrication system |
2017.09.09 | 华能牡丹江热电有限责任公司 Huaneng mudanjiang thermal power co. LTD |
焊接球阀、三偏心硬密封蝶阀、蝶阀 Welding ball valve, three - side hard sealing butterfly valve, butterfly valve |
148 | Q61FH-16C DN100、D343H-16C DN100、D71X-16 DN50 | 供热改造 2x300MW Heating transformation |
2017.09.10 | 沈阳华润热电有限公司Shenyang China resources thermoelectric co. LTD | 液动快关调节阀、气动抽汽止逆阀、电动闸阀 Hydraulic quick-closing regulating valve, pneumatic extraction and check valve |
9 | YGXD763H-16C DN1000 CKgH667H-16C DN1000 Z941H-16C DN1000 | 供热改造 3×200MW Heating transformation |
2017.09.14 | 哈尔滨热电厂 Harbin thermal power plant |
闸阀、蝶阀、一体式焊接球阀 Gate valve, butterfly valve, one-piece welding ball valve |
184 | Z41H-25C DN100、D343H-16C DN250、Q61F-16C DN65 | 供热改造 2x300MW Heating transformation |
2017.09.15 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
电动闸阀 Electric gate valves |
3 | Z941H-16C DN1000 | 沈阳华润 1#2#3# 供热改造 3×200MW Heating transformation |
2017.09.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
中压主汽阀 Intermediate pressure main steam valve |
12 | CH01A.306Z | 华能和林等新建机组 2x600MW New power plant |
2017.09.20 | 哈尔滨第三电厂Harbin third power plant | 涡轮传动硬密封全焊接球阀、截止阀、法兰闸阀、Y 型过滤器、防回流污染止回阀 Turbo-drive hard seal all-welded ball valve, globe valve, flange gate valve, y-type filter and backflow pollution check valve |
143 | Q361H-16C DN300、J41H-16C DN32、Z41H-16C DN125、DN250 PN16 耐温≥150°、 DN65 PN16 |
供热改造 2x600MW Heating transformation |
2017.09.25 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
蝶阀、气动疏水阀、止回阀 Butterfly valve, pneumatic drain valve, check valve | 122 | DF341W-0.1DN200 、HB72H-25P DN50、J16W-63P、J61H-40 | 华润锦州 1、2# 2×660MW,昌江备件、庐江、金坛生产检修Production and maintenance |
2017.09.25 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
气动抽汽止逆阀、液动快关 调节阀、电动闸阀Pneumatic check valve, hydraulic quick-closing regulating valve, electric gate valve |
3 | DKgH664H-16C DN1000 YGXD763H-16C DN1000、Z941H-16C DN1000 |
国电龙华延吉热电厂 2×300MW 供热改造 Heating transformation |
2017.10.8 | 中国船舶重工集团公司 第七 0 三研究所 703 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group Corporation |
球阀、截止阀、闸阀、蝶阀等 Ball valves, globe valves, gate valves, butterfly valves, etc. |
14 | Q21N-100P DN10、J441Y-10P DN80、D342XF-10C DN100、CP80P16FL | 产品科研 Product research |
2017.10.10 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
再热主汽调节阀 Reheat main steam regulating valve |
4 | CH02A.306.1Z-25 CH02A.306.2Z-25 | 深能保定新建机组 2×350MW New power plant |
2017.12.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co., Ltd |
再热主汽调节阀 Reheat main steam control valve |
8 | CH02.306Z | 新疆锦龙神雾五五工业园 1#新建机组 2x350MW New power plant |
2017.10.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
六通切换阀 Six way switch valve |
2 | B6QHF-16P DN300 | 神华神皖庐江 1、2 #电厂润滑油系统 2x1000MW Power plant lubrication system |
2017.10.22 | 河北良精阀门有限公司Hebei liang jing valve co. LTD | 电磁阀 Solenoid valve |
1 | 24VDC HYDRAFORCE | 沧州电厂备件Luzhou Power Plnt Spare Parts |
2017.10.25 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
型对夹式蝶阀、钢制球阀、升降式止回阀、截止阀 Dual butterfly valves, pipe throttling valves, type I - type butterfly valves, steel ball valves, lift check valves, globe valves |
63 | D371H-16C DN200、306.301Z-5/PN63 DN200、D371H-16C DN200、Q61F-40P DN15、H41H-40P DN200、J11H-40、DN200 |
国电兰州等 供热改造 2x3500MW Heating transformation |
2017.10.26 | 华电能源股份有限公司牡丹江第二发电厂Huadian energy co., LTD., mudanjiang second power plant | 止回阀补气阀、电动蝶阀、伞阀、球阀、气动内衬陶瓷插板阀、先导溢流阀、液压渣 浆 阀 Check air compensating valve, electric butterfly valve, umbrella valve, ball valve, pneumatic lined with ceramic flashboard valve, pilot relief valve, hydraulic slurry valve |
143 | 1 寸、KD97A1XB5-10 DN65PN1.0、80MD 泵用、 PN205 DN80、DN200 PN1.6、 DRC-30B/100DN400 PN2.5 、 P54 140V DN250 |
生产备件 2x300MW Production spare parts |
2017.10.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
电动截止阀、电动闸阀 Electric cut-off valve, electric gate valve |
38 | J941Y-40 DN150、Z941Y-25 DN300 | 魏桥邹平一电 1#电厂 2x300MW 汽封管道 Steam seal pipe |
2017.11.15 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
再热主汽调节阀 Reheat main steam regulating valve |
4 | CH02.306.Z-25 CH02.306.1Z-25 | 百矿德宝 1#2x300MW |
2017.11.16 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
六通切换阀 Six way switch valve |
1 | B6QHF-16P DN200 | 国电兰州等 供热改造 2x3500MW Heating transformation |
2017.11.20 | 沈阳盛世黑龙江分公司 Shenyang Shengshi Heilongjiang Branch | 蝶阀 | 7 | D343H-16C DN300/250 | 换热机组 Heat exchanger unit |
2017.12.29 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin turbine Co.Ltd |
高压截止阀 High pressure cut-off valve |
130 | N9044S14S-11 等 | 福清核电生产备件 6x1000MW Production spare parts |
时间 Date |
用户名称 Name of user |
产品名称 Name of product |
订货数量(台/套 ) Quantity of order (set/ton) |
口径、压力 PNMPa、Size(DNmm), pressure(PN MPa) |
备注 Remarks |
2018.1.2 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
抽汽止逆阀,液动快关调节阀、电动蝶阀 Exhaust steam check valve, hydraulic quick closing regulating valve electric butterfly valve |
8 | PN2.5 DN1000~1200 | 新疆新特能源 2x300MW Xinjiang xinte energy resources |
2018.1.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
再热主汽调节阀阀体装焊图 Reheat main steam regulating valve body welding diagram |
2 | K01B.306Z | 117047 |
2018.1.7 | 西安科华科技有限公司 Xi an kehua technology co. LTD |
电磁球阀、溢流阀插装阀等Electromagnetic valve The overflow valve Cartridge valve etc. | 12 | M-3SED6CK13/350CG 24N9K4 DHZO-AEB-NP-073-S 5/I-10 DBDS6P10B/200/V 等 |
液压站用 Hydraulic station with |
2018.1.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
六通阀 Six valve |
4 | B6QHF-16P DN200 PN1.6 DN250 PN1.6 | 贞丰 1#2# 神华五彩湾 1#2# 2x660MW Once called zhenfengli 1 # 2 Shenhua colorful bay 1#2# |
2018.1.18 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任 公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
管道节流阀 Pipeline throttle valve |
2 | KHCB-64 DN200 | 工作令号 152059/60 Work order no.152059/60 |
2018.1.18 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
对夹式蝶阀截止阀等 Wafer type butterfly valves Globe valve etc. |
28 | PN1.6~6.4 DN15~ 100 | 安龙 1#2# 国华永州 1#2# 2x1000MW 神华五彩湾 1#2#2x660 Guohua yongzhou 1#2# Shenhua colorful bay 1#2# The tang dynasty is burning with fever |
2018.2.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
汽封管路 The seal line |
2 套 | CHK02.501Z-15(含CHK02.513Z-15)CHK 02.521Z-8 | 东方希望包头铝业 1#2# 2x350MW East hope baotou aluminum industry 1#2# |
2018.3.1 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
汽封管路 The seal line |
2 套 | CCH01E.501Z(含CCH01E.513Z-1) | 华润锦州 1#2# 2x660MW China resources jinzhou 1#2# |
2018.3.14 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
液动快关调节阀 连通管快开调节蝶阀Hydraulic quick closing regulating valve Open the regulating butterfly valve quickly |
2 | PN2.5~4.0 DN900~ 1200 | 供热改造 2X600MW Gd white city heating renovation |
2018.3.12 | 哈尔滨哈汽汽轮机设备制造有限公司 Harbin steam turbine equipment manufacturing co. LTD |
汽封系统管路及附件 Steam seal system piping and accessories |
5 套 | CCHK01A.501Z-7(含CCHK01A.513Z-7)等 | 神华胜利 1# /2# 华泽铝电 3# 武乡西山 2# Shenhuawins1#/2# Huazawaaluminumelectric 3 Wuxiangxishan2 |
2018.3.21 | 沈阳华控工程设备有限公 司 Shenyang Huaxuan Engineering Equipment Co. Ltd.. |
减温阀组、蝶阀、调节阀、止逆阀、闸阀 Thermostatic Valve Group、butterfly valve、 Regulator valve、 |
25 | WY02-019MX PN1.6/DN150~200 QSTD-WT-200 DTF41H-16C DN200 |
供热改造 2X600MW Gd white city heating renovation |
2018.3.21 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
液位计旋塞阀截止阀 Level gauge cock Globe valve |
74 | B25032 等 | 重点工程 Key project |
2018.3.21 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂辅机工程有限公司 Harbin steam turbine plant auxiliary machinery engineering co. LTD |
电动真空破坏阀 Electric vacuum breaker valve |
1 | PKG16BWFJ131 DN50 | 包铝热电优化 2x350MW Aluminum clad thermoelectric optimization |
2018.3.23 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
冷油器六通阀 Six pass valve of oil cooler |
2 | PN1.6 DN200 | 青 海 、 鞍山宝得钢铁 Qinghai, Po DE steel, anshan |
2018.3.23 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
六通阀(出口) Six-way valve (outlet) |
1 | PN1.6 DN200 | 越南 Vietnam |
2018.3.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
连通管蝶阀 Connect the butterfly valve |
2 | PN2.5 DN1200 | 内蒙大阪改造 2x600MW Renovation of Osaka, Inner Mongolia |
2018.4.9 | 桦川协联生物质能热电有 限公司 Huachuan lianlian biomass thermal power co. LTD |
电动调整门闸阀 Electric regulating door Gate valves |
2 | PN1.6~2.5 DN50~ DN250 Z562Y-P54 140V DN250 |
桦川热电 2x120MW Birch sichuan thermoelectric |
2018.4.9 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
真空截止阀 Vacuum stop valve |
24 | PN1.6~4.0 D32~ DN65 | 中能建安龙 1#2#2x350MW Can jiananlong 1#2# |
2018.4.13 | 沈阳鼓风机集团股份有限公司 Shenyang blower group co. LTD |
六通切换阀 Six way switch valve |
5 | PN150LB DN80 | 沈鼓冷油器 Oil cooler |
2018.4.16 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
疏水扩容器减温水调节阀等 Steam expansion vessel minus warm water regulating valve, etc |
15 | EZ-657/34 1"~4" | 包铝 2x350MW、越南海阳Aluminium, Vietnam haiyang |
2018.4.17 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
再热主汽调节阀(左)再热主汽调节阀(右) Reheat main steam regulating valve (left) Reheat main steam regulating valve (right) |
4 | CH02.306Z | 五五工业园 Wuwu industrial park |
2018.4.26 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任 公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
1~6 段止逆阀前疏水阀 Section 1 ~ 6 front trap |
16 | 1.5-11G2DJ-F226H1 "~1.5" | 越南海阳 Vietnam haiyang |
2018.4.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任 公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
汽封管路补件 Steam seal pipe fittings |
54 | 73.501.173 等 | 印度沿海电厂Indian coastal power plant |
2018.5.2 | 沈阳鼓风机集团股份有限 公司 Shenyang blower group co. LTD |
六通切换阀 Six way switch valve |
11 | DN80 | 2018100_000.0CP86( H2702)/2018100_000 .0CP87(H2702) |
2018.5.4 | 沈阳波特科技有限公司Shenyang Port Technology Co. Ltd.. | 六通阀、减温阀组、蝶阀、调节阀 Six way switch valve、Thermostatic Valve Group、butterfly valve、Regulator valve、 |
14 | PN1.6/DN200~400 WY02-019MX QSTD-WT-200 DTF41H-16C DN200 |
供热改造 2X350MW Gd white city heating renovation |
2018.5.4 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
真空截止阀电动闸阀止回阀 Vacuum stop valve Electric gate valves The check valve |
47 | PN1.6~6.3 DN15~ DN300 | 包土铝业 2x350MW 印尼明古鲁等 Bag soil aluminum Indonesia and so on |
2018.5.21 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任 公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
对夹式止回阀 Clamp check valve |
3 | PN1.6 DN100~150 | 印尼明古鲁 Indonesia |
2018.5.23 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动/手动疏水阀 Electric/manual trap |
14 | PN1.6~10.0 DN25~ DN50 | 7 大庆油田热电厂 1# 300MW 鞍山宝得钢铁 Daqing oilfield thermal power plant 1 Po DE steel, anshan |
2018.5.24 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
气动抽汽止逆阀/液动快关调节阀 Pneumatic bleed check valve/hydraulic quick closing regulating valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN1000 | 大庆油田热电厂 1 号机组背压改造 1x300MW Back pressure reconstruction of unit 1 of daqing oilfield thermal power plant |
2018.5.24 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
六通切换阀 Six way switch valve |
4 | B6QHF-16PDN200/25 0 | 神华胜利 1#2# 2x660MW Shenhua wins 1#2# |
2018.5.25 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
汽封管道 Gland duct |
1 批 | 无缝钢管等Seamless steel pipe | 粤电新会 2#2x350MW Yuedong new conference 2 |
2018.6.1 | 哈尔滨七零三所 Harbin 703 institute |
角式截止阀 angle stop valves |
1 | GB587-2018 B25032 | 703 改造 703transform |
2018.6.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
六通切换阀 Six way switch valve |
4 | B6QHF-16P 门 DN300/250 |
神华国华九江/田湾核电 Shenhua guohua jiujiang/tianwan nuclear power plant |
2018.6.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
汽封管道 Seamless steel pipe |
1 批 | 无缝钢管等 Seamless steel pipe |
国电兰州 2x660MW 2x660MW W、万众项目、老挝红撒 State grid lanzhou, peoples project, Laos red sa |
2018.6.12 | 中国原子能科学研究院 China institute of atomic energy | 蝶阀、截止阀 Butterfly valves, globe valves |
28 | PN1.6 DN25~100 | 快堆改造 Fast reactor transformation |
2018.6.14 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂辅机工程 有限公司 Harbin steam turbine plant auxiliary machinery engineering co. LTD |
真空截止阀 Vacuum stop valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN200 | 国电江南 2x330MW Guodian jiangnan |
2018.6.14 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂辅机工程 有限公司 Harbin steam turbine plant auxiliary machinery engineering co. LTD |
真空截止阀 Vacuum stop valve |
15 | PN1.6 DN100 | 国电江南 2x330MW / 江 北Jiangnan/jiangbei guodian |
2018.6.25 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
主汽调节阀 Main steam regulating valve |
2 | 150.306Z | 184028 |
2018.6.29 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
抽汽快关调节蝶阀 Exhaust steam quick turn adjusting butterfly valve |
1 | PN2.5 DN1400 | 哈萨克斯坦埃及巴斯 图兹 2 号电装Electric package no. 2, bastoz, kazakhstan, Egypt |
2018.7.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀 globe valve |
15 | PN1.6~6.4 DN65~ 100 | 神华五彩湾 1#2# 2x660MW Shenhua colorful bay 1#2# |
2018.7.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
蝶阀、截止阀 globe valves |
31 | PN1.6~4.0 DN10~ 250 | 鞍山宝得/明古鲁 Baode/minggulu, anshan |
2018.7.13 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
气动调节阀 pneumatic control valve |
2 | 2.5"ES-657/46 | 越南海阳 1# Haiyang 1, Vietnam |
2018.7.17 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
六通阀、安全阀 Six - way valve and safety valve |
2 | PN1.6~6.4DN25~ 150 | 合盛鄯善 1# Hesheng shanshan 1# |
2018.7.19 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
抽汽止逆阀,液动快关调节阀、电动蝶阀 Exhaust steam check valve, hydraulic quick closing regulating valve, electric butterfly valve |
6 | PN1.6 DN1000 | 国电延吉 2x200MW1# Guodian yanji 1# guodian baicheng 2# |
2018.7.21 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
六通切换阀 Six way switch valve |
4 | B6QHF-16P 门 DN300/250 |
甘肃常乐项目 4x1000MW Gansu changle project |
2018.7.24 | 中国原子能科学研究院 China institute of atomic energy | 对夹蝶阀 Butterfly valve to the clamp |
2 | PN1.6 DN200 | 快堆维修Fast reactor maintenance |
2018.7.25 | 内蒙古兴安盟热电有限公司 Inner Mongolia hinggan league thermal power co. LTD |
联通管蝶阀 检修 Repair and repair of connected tube butterfly valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN1200 | 1#、2#机 1#、2# 2x340MW opportunity |
2018.7.25 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
汽封管道 Gland duct |
1 批 | 无缝钢管等Seamless steel pipe | 华润锦州 1#2x660MW China resources jinzhou 1 |
2018.7.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
抽汽止逆阀,液动快关调节阀、电动蝶阀 Exhaust steam check valve, hydraulic quick closing regulating valve, electric butterfly valve |
4 | PN2.5 DN500 | 塔山连通管改造 2x600MW Renovation of tower hill connection pipe |
2018.8.6 | 哈热热力公司 Thermal power company |
换热机组 heat exchanger unit |
1 | HZD-JLY-12/1.6 | 哈尔滨江林苑小区Hall binjiang Lin yuan community |
2018.8.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动闸阀、截止阀、管道截流阀等 Electric gate valve, globe valve, pipe stop valve, etc |
40 | PN1.6~6.3DN15~ 300 | 长二热改造等 6x200MW Long two heat transformation and so on |
2018.8.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
抽汽止逆阀,液动快关调节阀、电动蝶阀 Exhaust steam check valve, hydraulic quick closing regulating valve, electric butterfly valve |
6 | PN2.5 DN1200 | 鹤岗电厂供热改造 1x600MW Hegang power plant heating renovation |
2018.8.11 | 华电能源股份有限公司哈尔滨第三发电厂 Harbin no.3 power plant of huadian energy co. LTD |
液动快关调节阀 Hydraulic quick closing regulating valve |
2 | PN1.0 DN2000 | 4#机组循泵出口阀门 2x200MW+2x600M W 4The unit follows the pump outlet valve |
2018.8.13 | 哈尔滨天达控制股份有限公司 Harbin tianda control co. LTD |
电动球阀 electric ball valve |
4 | PN1.6DN80~100 | 伊春电厂 2x350MW Yichun power plant |
2018.8.16 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
中压主汽调节阀 Intermediate pressure main steam regulating valve |
6 | CH01A.306Z | 187075 |
2018.8.16 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
微压差法兰接口气体止回阀 Differential flange gaseous check valve |
8 | H45H-DN200 | 神华五彩湾 2x660MW Rainbow bay |
2018.8.18 | 伊春市住房和城市建设局 Yichun city housing and urban construction bureau | 双向对焊蝶阀、闸阀等 Two-way butt welding butterfly valves, gate valves, etc |
323 | PN2.5 DN25~1000 | 伊春城市供热项目Yichun urban heating project |
2018.8.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀、止回阀等 Stop valve, check valve, etc |
113 | PN1.6~6.3DN10~ 200 | 神华晋江项目 2x350MW Shenhua jinjiang project, etc |
18.8.24 | 哈尔滨中电电力设备有限公司 Harbin CLP power equipment co. LTD |
冷油器换热机组 Heat transfer unit with oil cooler |
2 套 | PN150LB DN125 | 青岛高新热电有限公 司燃气-蒸汽联合循环冷热电联产项目2x32MW+2x11MW Qingdaohigh-techthermal powerco.,LTD.Gas-steam combinedcyclecoldandhot powerco-productionproject |
18.8.27 | 伊春华能发电有限公司Yichun huaneng power generation co. LTD | 电动蝶阀检修 Electric butterfly valve repair |
8 | PN1.6 DN800 | 伊春电厂检修 2x660MW Yichun power plant maintenance |
18.8.28 | 沈阳鑫盛利阀门有限公司 | 六通切换阀 Six way switch valve |
1 | B6QHF-16P DN200 | 电厂 power plant |
18.8.29 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀 globe valve |
6 | J61Y-1500 WC6 门 DN100 |
大唐金坛 1#2# 4x400MW Datang gold altar 1#2# |
18.9.5 | 中国原子能科学研究院China institute of atomic energy | 对夹蝶阀 Butterfly valve to the clamp |
2 | D371X-16C DN200 | 快堆改造 Fast reactor transformation |
18.9.12 | 华电能源股份有限公司牡丹江第二发电厂 The second mudanjiang power plant of huadian energy co. LTD |
电动蝶阀、焊接球阀 Electric butterfly valve, welding ball valve |
4 | PN1.6~2.5 DN150~ 900 | 供热改造 4x300MW heat supply reformation |
18.9.12 | 哈热电厂金融学院Department of thermal power plant finance | 换热机组 heat exchanger unit |
1 | HZD-JR/14.0-316 | 供热改造heat supply reformation |
时间 Date |
用户名称 Name of user |
产品名称 Name of product |
订货数量(台/套 ) Quantity of order (set/ton) |
口径、压力 PNMPa、Size(DNmm), pressure(PN MPa) |
备注 Remarks |
19.1.2 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
手动截止阀 Manual globe valve |
1 | PN4.0 DN40 | 中能建安龙 2×350 MW Zhongneng Jianlong |
19.2.14 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
Y 型过滤器、手动/气动截止阀、水封阀 | 1 | DN65~100 PN2.5 | 神华榆林 Shenhua Yulin |
19.2.27 | 沈阳波特科技有限公司Shenyang Porter Technology Co., Ltd. | 电动截止阀、电动闸阀 F22、WC6 Electric Globe Valve and Electric Gate Valve F22, WC6 |
24 | 3"-12" | 神华胜利 2×660MW Shenhua victory |
19.2.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
过滤器、电动截止阀 Filter, Electric Globe Valve |
3 | DN15~80,4” PN1.6~2.5/P57 64V/1500Lb | 鞍山宝得 华能渭南 2×350MW Anshan Bao de Huaneng weinan |
19.3.4 | 哈尔滨源源动力电站设备有限 公司 Harbin Yuanyuan Power Plant Equipment Co., Ltd. |
逆止阀 Check valve |
1 | DN50 PN2.5 | 广大西北海 2×1000MW Vast northwest sea |
19.3.5 | 北京原子能院 Beijing Atomic Energy Institute |
截止阀 Globe valve |
14 | DN15 PN1.6~4.0 | 快堆检修 600MW Overhaul of fast reactor |
19.3.23 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀 Globe valve |
6 | B25032/50 GB/T587-2008 | 703 重点工程 Key projects |
19.4.3 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动闸阀 Electric gate valve |
1 | DN300 PN1.6 | 唐山丰润 2×350MW Feng Fengrun |
19.4.3 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
气动抽汽逆止阀 气动快关调节阀 Pneumatic exhaust check valve Pneumatic Quick Shut-off Regulating Valve |
2 | DN300 PN2.5~4.0 | 深圳钰湖 2×180MW Yuhu Lake, Shenzhen |
19.4.4 | 哈尔滨鼎能电力发展有限公司 Harbin Dingneng Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. |
逆止阀 Check valve |
4 | DN50 PN2.5 | 供热改造 Heating transformation |
19.4.17 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
事故放油阀、不锈钢压力表 真空截止阀、手动对夹式蝶阀、不锈钢真空截止阀、截止阀 Accident discharge valve, stainless steel pressure gauge vacuum globe valve, manual butterfly valve, stainless steel vacuum globe valve, globe valve |
67 | DN25~200 PN1.6~6.4 | 百矿德保 2×350MW、华能渭南 2×350MW、华能渭南 2×350MW、华能渭南 2×350MW Hundred mines Debao Huaneng Weinan |
19.4.28 | 哈尔滨热电有限责任公司 Harbin Thermal Power Co., Ltd. |
电动闸阀 Electric gate valve |
1 | DN350 900LB | 旁路供热改造 4X300WM 8# Unit Bypass Heating Reform |
19.5.7 | 牡丹江二电厂 Mudanjiang No.2 Power Plant |
截止阀、电动截止阀 Globe Valve, Electric Globe Valve |
9 | DN25~40 PN32.0 | 2×300MW |
19.5.16 | 哈尔滨源源动力电站设备有限公司 Harbin Yuanyuan Power Plant Equipment Co., Ltd. |
截止阀、圆盘式疏水阀 Globe valve, disc trap |
12 | DN32~50 PN1.6 | 广西北海电厂第一批 2×60WM The First Batch of Beihai Power Plant in Guangxi |
19.5.21 | 哈尔滨源源动力电站设备有限 公司 Harbin Yuanyuan Power Plant Equipment Co., Ltd. |
截止阀、圆盘式疏水阀 Globe valve, disc trap |
26 | DN32~50 PN1.6 | 广西北海电厂第二批 2×60WM Second batch of Beihai Power Plant in Guangxi |
19.5.21 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
过滤器、电动截止阀、安全阀、Y 型过滤器、逆止阀 | 5 | DN65~300/4~10” PN1.6~6.4/P54 140V 1500~2500Lb | 中科炼化、渭南2×350MW Refining, Weinan |
19.5.22 | 吉林建工集团有限公司黑龙江 伊春分公司 Jilin Construction Industry Group Co., Ltd. Heilongjiang Yichun Branch |
焊接球阀 Welded ball valve |
18 | DN50~800 PN1.6 | 供热改造 Heating transformation |
19.5.22 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
高排、一抽~四抽气动逆止阀、液动快关阀/电动蝶阀、连通管蝶阀 High-row, one-pumping to four-pumping pneumatic check valve, hydraulic fast shut-off valve/electric butterfly valve, connecting pipe butterfly valve |
9 | DN100~1200 PN1.6 | 梅里斯项目 300MW、四平供热改造 2×350MW Merris Project Siping Heating Reform |
19.5.22 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动疏水阀、低压缸喷水手动截止阀、电动闸阀、气动疏水阀、手动疏水阀 Electric trap, low pressure cylinder water jet manual globe valve, electric gate valve, pneumatic trap, manual trap |
30 | DN15~300 PN1.6~4.0 | 富拉尔基 1×350MW、 富拉尔 1×350MW、渭南改造(CHK05.541Z) 2×350MW、大唐锦州热电改造 300WM、印尼北苏三2X50MW Fularki, Weinan, Datang Jinzhou Thermoelectricity, North Susan, Indonesia |
19.5.22 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
低压缸气动喷水调节阀、电动 流量调节阀、减温阀组、低压缸电动喷水调节阀 Low-pressure cylinder pneumatic water-jet regulating valve, electric flow regulating valve, temperature reducing valve group, low-pressurecylinderelectricwater-jet regulating valve |
9 | DN25~400/600 PN1.6 | 四平改造 2×350MW、松花江改造 2×350MW、锦州热电改造 300WM Siping Reform, Songhua River Reform and Jinzhou Thermal Power Reform |
19.5.24 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀 Globe valve |
110 | DN10 高温/低温 | 甘肃常乐 4×1000MW Chang Le Yue |
19.6.5 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
闸阀 Gate valve |
DN32~50 PN1.6 | 海南昌江核电 2×65MW Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant | |
19.6.18 | 伊春电厂 Yichun power plant |
焊接球阀 Welded ball valve |
18 | DN25~300 PN1.6 | 伊春电厂 2× 350MW Yichun Power Plant Retained Inventory |
19.6.19 | 牡丹江二电厂 Mudanjiang No.2 Power Plant |
电动闸阀 Electric gate valve |
2 | DN100~150 PN4.0~25.0 | 2×300MW 检修 |
19.6.24 | 伊春电厂 Yichun power plant |
全通径焊接球阀 Full-diameter Welded Ball Valve |
34 | DN25~300 PN1.6 | 2× 350MW 供热改造 Heating transformation |
19.6.24 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动闸阀 Electric gate valve |
2 | DN300 PN1.6 | 渭南改造 2×350MW Reconstruction of Weinan |
19.6.28 | 伊春电厂 Yichun power plant |
电动闸阀、蝶式止回阀 Electric gate valve and butterfly check valve |
6 | DN300~500 PN1.6~4.0 | 伊春电厂改制及维修 2× 350MW Reform and Maintenance of Yichun Power Plant |
19.7.3 | 牡丹江二电厂 Mudanjiang No.2 Power Plant |
电动闸阀、电动蝶阀、真空电动蝶阀、气动疏水阀、电动疏水阀 Electric gate valve, electric butterfly valve, vacuum electric butterfly valve, pneumatic trap, electric trap |
20 | DN50~1200 PN1.6~10.0\P55 140V\1500Lb | 牡丹江二电厂蓄能调峰 2×300MW Peak-shaving auxiliary service for energy storage in Mudanjiang No.2 Power Plant |
19.7.3 | 德阳市耀群机电配套有限公司 Deyang Yaoqun electromechanical supporting Co., Ltd. |
六通切换阀 Six-way switching valve |
1 | DN80 PN1.6 | 东汽供热配套 Heating Matching of Dongfang Steam Turbine |
19.7.3 | 牡丹江二电厂 Mudanjiang No.2 Power Plant |
蝶阀(对夹、硬密封、衬胶) Butterfly Valve (Clamp, Hard Seal, Lining) |
280 | DN50~500 PN1.6 | 脱硫改造 2×300MW |
19.7.3 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂辅机工程有限 公司 Harbin Steam Turbine Plant Auxiliary Engineering Co., Ltd. |
截止阀 Globe valve |
7 | DN20 PN1.6 | 巴基斯坦 Pakistan |
19.7.4 | 哈尔滨源源动力电站设备有限 公司 Harbin Yuanyuan Power Plant Equipment Co., Ltd. |
截止阀、气动疏水阀 Globe valve, pneumatic trap |
13 | DN20~50 PN1.6 | 北海电厂 4×300MW Power plant |
19.7.5 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动截止阀、不锈钢压力表截止阀、手动截止阀Electric globe valve, stainless steel pressure gauge globe valve, manual globe valve | 14 | DN15~150 PN1.6~4.0 | 横琴改造项目 8×390MW、 梅里斯项目 5.65MW、金盛兰项目 1100MW、国神府谷2×660MW Merris Project, Hengqin Renovation Project, Jinshenglan Project, National Shenfu Valley |
19.7.11 | 西安热工研究院有限公司Xi'an Thermal Research Institute Co., Ltd. | 电动调节阀 Electric Regulating Valve |
4 | DN50~350 PN1.6~4.0 | 伊春电厂 2× 350MW Yichun power plant |
19.7.12 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
疏水器、节流孔板Drainage trap, orifice plate | 50 | DN25~32 PN1.6 | 华能渭南项 2×350MW Huaneng Weinan |
19.7.16 | 哈尔滨源源动力电站设备有限 公司 Harbin Yuanyuan Power Plant Equipment Co., Ltd. |
截止阀 Globe valve |
2 | DN50 PN1.6 | 北海电厂 4×300MW Power plant |
19.7.16 | 哈尔滨热电有限责任公司 Harbin Thermal Power Co., Ltd. |
真空电动蝶阀、双向电动蝶阀 Vacuum electric butterfly valve and bidirectional electric butterfly valve |
4 | DN600~1000 PN1.6 | 2×300MW 技改 Overhaul |
19.7.20 | 华能鹤岗发电有限公司Huaneng Hegang Power Generation Co., Ltd. | 截止阀 Globe valve |
12 | DN40~50 PN3.2/ PW54 200V | 1×600MW 检修 Overhaul |
19.7.24 | 伊春电厂 Yichun power plant |
真空截止阀 Vacuum shutoff valve |
2 | DN65 PN4.0 | 2× 350MW 技改 Overhaul |
19.7.26 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀、真空截止阀、电动截止阀、真空破坏阀 Globe Valve, Vacuum Globe Valve, Electric Globe Valve, Vacuum Damage Valve |
206 | DN20~150 PN1.6~4.0/1500Lb/ P57 170V | 印尼北苏三 2X50MW、大庆 宏伟 200wm、镔鑫、金盛兰项目 1100MW 梅里斯项目 5.65MW Indonesia North Susan, Daqing Magnificent, Nixin, Jinshenglan Project, Merris Project |
19.7.26 | 伊春电厂 Yichun power plant |
硬密封蝶阀、法兰球阀、对夹式止逆阀、法兰逆止阀、螺纹球阀、对夹蝶阀、闸阀、闸阀(暗杆) Hard Sealed Butterfly Valve, Flange Ball Valve, Counter-clip Check Valve, Flange Check Valve, Threaded Ball Valve, Counter-clip Butterfly Valve, Gate Valve,Gate Valve(DarkRod) |
1700 | DN20~400 PN1.6 | 伊春电厂换热站检修2× 350MW Maintenance of Heat Exchange Station in Yichun Power Plant |
19.7.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
液控蝶阀、电动蝶阀、液控快关调节阀、气动抽汽止逆阀、六通阀 Hydraulic butterfly valve, electric butterfly valve, hydraulic fast-closing control valve, pneumatic exhaust check valve, six-way valve |
7 | DN200~1400 PN1.6 | 富拉尔基 2×300MW、 百矿 德 保 2×350MW Fularki, Baikuang Debao |
19.8.1 | 齐齐哈尔一雅经贸有限公司Qiqihar Yiya Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. | 焊接球阀 Welded ball valve |
36 | DN40~125 PN1.6 | 供热改造 Heating transformation |
19.8.9 | 西安热工研究院有限公司Xi'an Thermal Research Institute Co., Ltd. | 真空截止阀、截止阀、疏水器 Vacuum globe valve, globe valve, trap |
10 | DN25~50 PN1.6~2.5 | 长春电厂 2×350MW Power plant |
19.8.13 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
真空截止阀、截止阀 Vacuum globe valve and globe valve |
10 | DN20~150 PN1.6~2.5 | 白城改造 2×200MW、大庆 改 造 220kV Baicheng Rebuilding and Daqing Rebuilding |
19.8.13 | 伊春电厂 Yichun power plant |
金属硬密封蝶阀、全通径焊接球阀 Metal Hard Sealed Butterfly Valve and Full Diameter Welded Ball Valve |
32 | DN50~800 PN1.6~2.5 | 伊春住建局 2X350MW Yichun Housing and Construction Bureau |
19.8.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动截止阀、手动/电动闸阀、Y 型过滤器、安全阀、止回阀、疏水器、电动疏水阀、电动调节阀 Electric Globe Valve, Manual/Electric Gate Valve, Y-type Filter, Safety Valve, Check Valve, Drain, Electric Drain Valve, Electric Regulator Valve |
9 | DN15~300 PN1.6~4.0/300L | 胜利2×660MW、锦界 2×660MW、锦州 2×660MW、锦州 2×660MW 安龙 2×350MW、横琴改造 8×390MW、长二热改造 200MW Shengli, Jinjie, Jinzhou, Anlong, Hengqin transformation, Changer Heat transformation |
19.8.20 | 南亭印象小区 Nanting Impression Community |
换热机组 Heat exchanger unit |
8 | HZD-JR/14.0-316 | 供热改造 Heating transformation |
19.8.21 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
低压缸喷水调节阀、电动流量调节阀 Low Pressure Cylinder Water Injection Regulating Valve and Electric Flow Regulating Valve |
4 | DN65~400 PN1.6~4.0 | 长二热改造 200MW、乌海改造 2×330MW Chang Er Heat 1 # Reform and Wuhai Reform |
19.8.22 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
低压缸电动喷水调节阀电动压力调节阀减温阀组 Low pressure cylinder electric sprinkler control valve, electric pressure control valve, temperature reducing valve group |
3 | DN25~400 PN1.6~2.5 | 沈西 2 号机切缸改造2×300MW Cylinder Cutting Reform of Shenxi No.2 Machine |
19.8.23 | 哈尔滨热电有限责任公司 Harbin Thermal Power Co., Ltd. |
电动闸阀 Electric gate valve |
1 | DN350 PN900LbF91 | 2×300MW 技改 Overhaul |
19.8.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
低压缸喷水阀门及管路/截 止阀 Low Pressure Cylinder Water Injection Valve and Pipeline |
1 | DN20~25 PN25.0 | 哈平南改造 Reconstruction of Hapingnan |
19.8.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
调节阀 Regulating valve |
4 | DN100 PN100 | 华能渭南项目 2×350MW Huaneng Weinan Project |
19.8.29 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
中压主汽阀 Medium Pressure Main Steam Valve |
6 | CH01A.306Z | 信友奇台 2×660MW Letter friend Qitai |
19.8.30 | 哈尔滨热电有限责任公司 Harbin Thermal Power Co., Ltd. |
截止阀、安全阀 Globe Valve and Safety Valve |
44 | DN25~250 PN1.6~2.5/P55 100V | 2×300MW 检修 Overhaul |
19.9.2 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
不锈钢六通阀 Stainless steel six way valve |
4 | DN200 PN1.6~2.5 | 柳州钢铁 3×135MW、金盛 兰 1100MW,Liuzhou Steel 3 × 135MW, jinshenglan 1100MW |
19.9.3 | 哈尔滨顺远电站设备有限公司 Harbin Shunyuan power plant equipment Co., Ltd |
真空截止阀、闸阀 Vacuum stop valve, gate valve |
7 | DN25~50 PN1.6 | 供热改造 Heating transformation |
19.9.4 | 黑龙江筑丰建设工程有限公司 Heilongjiang Zhufeng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd | 全通径焊接球阀、金属三偏心硬密封蝶阀 Full bore welded ball valve, metal three eccentric hard seal butterfly valve |
42 | DN25~800 PN1.6 | 伊春电厂换热站检修 2× 350MW Maintenance of Heat Exchange Station in Yichun Power Plant |
19.9.5 | 哈尔滨 703 研究所 Harbin 703 Research Institute |
气动调节阀 Pneumatic control valve |
5 | DN200 PN1.6 | 阿卡项目 1320MW Akar project 1320mw |
19.9.5 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀、真空截止阀 Stop valve, vacuum stop valve |
21 | DN10~80 PN2.5~6.3 | 华能渭南项 2×350MW、沈 西 2 号机切缸改造Huaneng Weinan、Cylinder cutting transformation of Shenxi No.2 Unit |
19.9.10 | 抚顺矿业中机热电有限责任公司 Fushun Mining Zhongji Thermal Power Co., Ltd | 不锈钢六通阀 Stainless steel six way valve |
1 | DN200 PN1.6 | 抚矿中机热电 2×300MW 二号机组用 For 2 × 300MW No.2 Unit |
19.9.16 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
测压截止阀 Pressure measuring stop valve |
1 | DN15 PN6.4 | 大唐长二热灵活性改造 4×200MW Datang changer thermal flexibility renovation 4 × 200MW |
19.9.17 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
不锈钢压力表截止阀、对夹式手动蝶阀、截止阀、事故放油阀 Stainless steel pressure gauge stop valve, wafer type manual butterfly valve, stop valve, emergency oil drain valve |
13 | DN15~150 PN1.6~14.0 | 金盛兰项目 1100MW,梅里斯 300MW Jinshanglan project 1100MW, MERIS 300MW |
19.9.18 | 哈尔滨热电有限责任公司 Harbin Thermal Power Co., Ltd. |
焊接球阀 Welded ball valve |
2 | DN900 PN2.5 | 2×300MW 检修 Overhaul |
19.9.18 | 哈尔滨中电电力设备有限公司 Harbin Zhongdian Power Equipment Co., Ltd |
换热机组 Heat exchanger unit |
2 | 2*300WM | 哈药民居、泰山领秀 Harbin medicine residence, Taishan leader |
19.9.23 | 牡丹江二电厂 Mudanjiang No.2 Power Plant |
蝶阀 butterfly valve |
1 | DN250 PN1.6 | 供热改造 2×300MW, Heating reconstruction 2 × 300MW |
19.9.24 | 中船重工龙江广瀚气轮机有限公司 CSIC Longjiang Guanghan gas turbine Co., Ltd |
手动蝶阀、手动球阀、法兰蝶阀、螺纹球阀Manual butterfly valve, manual ball valve, flange butterfly valve, screw ball valve |
12 | DN10~600 PN1.0~2.5 | 703 所广瀚燃机改造 703 Guanghan gas turbine transformation |
19.9.25 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
高压缸排放装置中的减温阀组单元 Desuperheating valve group unit in high pressure cylinder discharge device |
2 | ZDLP-64 DN25,PN6.4MPa 二套 |
山西晋钢 1x100MW、济宁 1 号 2×350MWShanxi Jingang 1x100mw, Jining No.1 2 × 350MW |
19.9.26 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀、手动式蝶阀、压力表真空截止阀、真空截止阀、真空闸阀 Stop valve, manual butterfly valve, pressure gauge vacuum stop valve, vacuum stop valve, vacuum gate valve |
47 | DN15~150 PN1.6~6.4 | 信友奇台 2×660MW, Xinyou Qitai 2 × 660MW |
19.9.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀 Stop valve |
3 | DN65 PN4.0 | 大唐长二热灵活性改造 4 ×200MW Datang changer thermal flexibility renovation 4 × 200MW |
19.9.29 | 天津市合佳美商贸有限公司 Tianjin hejiamei Trading Co., Ltd |
不锈钢六通阀 Stainless steel six way valve |
1 | DN150 PN1.0 | 供热改造,Heating reconstruction |
19.10.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
手动截止阀 Manual stop valve |
12 | Dn100~125 1500Lb | 印尼北苏三 2X50MW Indonesia North Soviet III 2X50MW |
19.10.8 | 辽宁沈煤红阳热电有限公司Liaoning Shenmei Hongyang Thermal Power Co., Ltd | 焊接球阀 Welded ball valve |
41 | DN40~250 PN1.6~2.5 | 供热改造,Heating reconstruction |
19.10.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动闸阀 Electric gate valve |
2 | DN450~600 PN10.0 | 横琴改造 8×390MW, Hengqin reconstruction 8 × 390MW |
19.10.9 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀 Globe valve |
6 | DN65 PN6.4 | 华能乌海 2X330MW 供热改 造 Huaneng Wuhai 2x330mw heating transformation |
19.10.9 | 抚顺矿业中机热电有限责任公司 Fushun Mining Zhongji Thermal Power Co., Ltd | 不锈钢六通阀 Stainless steel six way valve |
2 | DN200 PN1.6 | 抚矿中机热电 2×300MW 一号机用,2 × 300MW for No.1 Unit |
19.10.10 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀 Globe valve |
9 | DN10~50 PN2.5~6.4 | 印尼北苏三 2X50MW、洛热 300WM 光轴改造Indonesia North Soviet III 2X50MW |
19.10.14 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
手动截止阀、电动截止阀、安全阀 Manual stop valve, electric stop valve and safety valve |
11 | DN20~50 PN1.6~25.0 | 印尼北苏三 2X50MW、宝清 2×600MW、五五工业园2×350MW Indonesia North Soviet III 2X50MW |
19.10.12 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
主汽供汽电动截止阀、主汽供汽手动截止阀、真空破坏阀、截止阀、升降式止回阀Electric stop valve for main steam supply, manual stop valve for main steam supply, vacuum breaking valve, stop valve, lift check valve | 46 | DN50/200~100 PN1.6\2500Lb~3500Lb | 山西晋钢 2×660MW、光大丰县、国神府谷 1# 2×660MW Shanxi Jingang 2 × 660MW, guangdafeng County, guoshenfugu 1 × 2 × 660MW |
19.10.14 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
汽封压力调节阀、热再热供汽气动调节阀 Gland pressure regulating valve, hot reheat steam supply pneumatic regulating valve |
3 | DN100~200 PN1.6~16.0 | 大庆林源 3×50MW 1#2#、横琴改造 2×390MW Daqing Linyuan 3 × 50MW 1 × 2 × 3, Hengqin reconstruction 2 × 390MW |
19.10.14 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
安全阀、真空截止阀 Safety valve, vacuum stop valve |
6 | DN25~150 PN1.6 | 印尼北苏三 2X50MW、渭河 改 造 4*300MW 2x50mw, Weihe River Reconstruction 4 * 300MW |
19.10.17 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
不锈钢截止阀、真空不锈钢截止阀、截止阀 Stainless steel stop valve, vacuum stainless steel stop valve |
242 | DN50 PN1.6 | 锦界三期项目 2×660MW Jinjie phase III project 2 × 660MW |
19.10.21 | 牡丹江二电厂 Mudanjiang No.2 Power Plant |
蝶阀 butterfly valve |
2 | DN200~250 PN1.6~2.5 | 供热改造 2×300MW, Heating reconstruction 2 × 300MW |
19.10.22 | 黑龙江华电齐齐哈尔热电有限公司 Heilongjiang Huadian Qiqihar Thermal Power Co., Ltd |
电动闸阀、手动截止阀、电动金属三偏心蝶阀、气动疏水阀、止回阀、手动闸阀、直通式截止阀 Electric gate valve, manual stop valve, electric metal three eccentric butterfly valve, pneumatic drain valve, check valve, manual gate valve, through stop valve |
22 | DN20~1100 PN16~32.0 600Lb~25Lb | 2 号机组供热灵活性改造阀门采购工程 2×300MW2 unit heat supply flexibility transformation valve procurement project 2 × 300MW |
19.11.4 | 华电能源股份有限公司富拉尔基电厂 Fularji power plant of Huadian Energy Co., Ltd |
闸阀、蝶阀、调节阀、截止阀 Gate valve, butterfly valve, regulating valve and stop valve |
68 | DN40~300 PN1.6~6.4 | 供热改造 1*350MW Heating reconstruction 1 * 350MW |
19.11.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
低压缸喷水系统阀门、汽封及疏水管道改造、抽汽管道、疏水管道 Low pressure cylinder water spraysystem valveReconstruction ofsteamsealanddrainpipeSteam extraction pipelineDrain pipe |
6 套 | 无缝钢管其配套阀门Supporting valves of gas seal pipeline shall be provided in advance | 横琴改造 2×390MW\百矿 德保 2×350MW 1、2#、蓬莱电厂 2×1000MW 2#改造Hengqin transformation 2 × 390MW \ baikuang Debao 2 × 350MW 1, 2 × 35mW, Penglai power plant 2 × 1000MW 2 × 35mW |
19.11.11 | 哈尔滨月盛达机械设备有限公 司 Harbin yueshengda mechanical equipment Co., Ltd |
蜗轮箱 BSD943H-10C Worm gear box bsd943h-10c |
1 | DN800 PN1.0 | 改造 |
19.11.14 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
液位计旋塞阀 Level gauge plug valve |
16 | 432II.3.500.4Z | 重点工程 Key projects |
19.11.20 | 哈尔滨中电电力设备有限公司 Harbin Zhongdian Power Equipment Co., Ltd |
滑油冷却撬 Lubricating oil cooling skid |
2 | GH053.100.JX6 | 东莞理文造纸厂自备电站 煤改气项目 2x80MW Coal to gas project of self provided power station of Dongguan Liwen paper mill 2x80mw |
19.11.25/29 | 华能鹤岗发电有限公司Huaneng Hegang Power Generation Co., Ltd | 闸阀、截止阀 Gate valve, stop valve |
11 | DN20~300 PN2.5~32.0 | 供热改造 500MW Heating transformation 500mW |
19.12.3 | 哈尔滨中电电力设备有限公司 Harbin Zhongdian Power Equipment Co., Ltd |
截止阀、事故放油阀、手动对夹式蝶阀、真空截止阀、升降式止回阀、止回阀 Stop valve, emergency oil drain valve, manual wafer butterfly valve, vacuum stop valve, lift check valve, check valve |
80 | DN25~200 PN1.6~4.0 | 光大宁海、光大丰县、梅 里斯项目 300MW、山西晋钢 1x100MW、扬子石化50MW 1/2#、国神府谷 2×660MW 1/2#、华能济宁 2×350MW Everbright Ninghai, Everbright Fengxian, meiris project 300MW, Shanxi Jingang 1x100mw, Yangzi Petrochemical 50MW 1 / 2 × 3, guoshenfugu 2 × 660MW 1 / 2 × 4, Huaneng Jining 2 × 350MW |
19.12.9 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
不锈钢压力表截止阀、截止阀、手动闸阀 Stainless steel pressure gauge stop valve, stop valve, manual gate valve |
8 | DN15~20 PN1.6~2.5 | 国神府谷 2×660MW\梅里 斯 300MW /盛隆项目 45MW Guoshenfugu 2 × 660MW \ MERIS 300MW / Shenglong project 45MW |
19.12.9/21 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
连通管蝶阀、电动蝶阀、气动抽气止逆阀、液动快关调节阀 Connecting pipe butterfly valve, electric butterfly valve, pneumatic extraction check valve, hydraulic quick closing regulating valve |
5 | DN800~1200 PN1.6~2.5 | 双鸭山 1 号机组灵活性改造项目 2X200MW 机组2x200mw unit of Shuangyashan unit 1 flexibility reconstruction project |
19.12.10 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
汽封管道、汽封、疏水系统阀门 Gland pipe, gland and drain system valve |
4 套 | 无缝钢管及配套阀门 According to the provision of supporting valves and pipes |
百矿德保 2×350MW 1、2# Baikuang Debao 2 × 350MW 1 and 2# |
19.12.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
安全阀、不锈钢压力表截止阀、测压截止阀、截止阀、高温手动截止阀、闸阀、真 空截止阀 Safety valve, stainless steel pressure gauge stop valve, pressure test stop valve, stop valve, high temperature manual stop valve, gate valve, vacuum stop valve |
64 | DN15~80 PN1.6~14.0 | 华盛江泉 2x350MW、柳州 钢铁 165MW、信友奇台 2×660MW、神华胜利 2×660MW、国神府谷 2×660MW、梅里斯 300MW Huashengjiangquan 2X350MW, Liuzhou Iron and steel 165mw, Xinyou Qitai 2 × 6 0MW, Shenhua Shengli 2 × 6 0MW, guoshenfugu 2 × 6 0MW, meiris 300MW |
19.12.12 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
高排通风阀、电动调节阀 High exhaust ventilation valve, electric control valve |
4 | DN350~500 PN1.6 | 山西晋钢 300WM、宁海、 丰县 Shanxi Jinggang 300WM, Ninghai, Fengxian |
19.12.13 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
冷油器六通阀 Six way valve of oil cooler |
4 | DN125~250 PN1.6 | 扬子石化 50MW 1/2#、光 大宁海、信友奇台 2# 2×660MW Yangzi Petrochemical 50MW 1 / 2 × 2 × 660MW, Everbright Ninghai, Xinyou Qitai 2 × 2 × 660MW |
19.12.13 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
连通管蝶阀 Connecting pipe butterfly valve |
1 | DN350 PN4.0 | 光大丰县改造Reconstruction of guangdafeng County |
19.12.17 | 哈尔滨中电电力设备有限公司 Harbin Zhongdian Power Equipment Co., Ltd |
换热机组 Heat exchanger unit |
3 | HZD-JR/14.0-316 | 祖研换热站 Zuyan heat exchange station |
19.12.19 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
滑油双联冷油器/换热机组 Oil double oil cooler |
4 | 板式冷油器 (179.461.1Z-4) |
大庆林源 4×660MW 1#/2# Daqing Linyuan 4 × 660MW 1 × 2# |
19.12.21 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀、真空截止阀 Stop valve, vacuum stop valve |
64 | DN20~150 PN1.6~6.3 | 巴基斯坦贾姆肖罗 2×660MW Jamshoro, Pakistan 2 × 660MW |
19.12.21 | 华能鹤岗发电有限公司Huaneng Hegang Power Generation Co., Ltd | 液控蝶阀 Hydraulic butterfly valve |
1 | DN800 PN2.5 | 供 热 改 造 500MW Heating transformation 500mW |
19.12.31 | 哈尔滨源源动力电站设备有限 公司 Harbin Yuanyuan power plant equipment Co., Ltd |
截止阀、圆盘式疏水阀 Stop valve, disc drain valve |
14 | DN32~40 PN1.6~4.0 | 北海电厂 2×660MW Beihai power plant 2 × 660MW |
时间 Date |
用户名称 Name of user |
产品名称 Name of product |
订货数量(台/套 ) Quantity of order (set/ton) |
口径、压力 PNMPa、Size(DNmm), pressure(PN MPa) |
备注 Remarks |
20.1.6 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
手动截止阀 Manual globe valve |
2 | PN4.0 DN65 | 扬子石化一期工程 3× 220t/h+410t/h 锅炉一期工程 3×220t/h+410t/h 锅炉 Yangzi Petrochemical |
20.1.9 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
手动截止阀 Manual globe valve |
8 | PN4.0 DN20 | 新疆信友奇台电厂 2× 66MWXinyou Qitai power plant in Xinjiang |
20.1.9 | 沈阳沈煤红阳热电有限公司Shenyang Shenmei Hongyang Thermal Power Co., Ltd | 蝶阀 butterfly valve |
10 | PN1.6 DN40 | 沈阳沈煤红阳热电有限公 司 2x300MW Shenyang Shenmei Hongyang Thermal Power Co., Ltd |
20.1.10 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动疏水阀 Electric drain valve |
3 | PN1.6 DN50 DN32 | 双鸭山 1 号机组灵活性改 造项目 2X200MW 机组2x200mw unit of Shuangyashan unit 1 flexibility reconstruction project |
20.1.17 | 中国航空工业集团公司沈阳空 气动力研究所 Shenyang Institute of aerodynamics, AVIC |
调压阀.减压阀 Pressure regulating valves. Pressure reducing valves |
4 | PN4.0 DN500 DN600 PN25 DN150 DN250 | 空气动力研究所研究项目 Aerodynamics Institute |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
低压缸电动喷水调节阀. 电动流量调节 阀 Low pressure cylinder electric water spray regulating valve. Electric flow control valve |
2 | PN4.0 DN65 PN1.6 DN300 | 双鸭山 1 号机组灵活性改造项目 2X200MW 机组2x200mw unit of Shuangyashan unit 1 flexibility reconstruction project |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
自力式压力调节阀 Self operated pressure regulating valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN100 | 山西晋钢集团 1x300MW Shanxi Jingang group |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动调节阀.气动逆止阀.减温阀组 Electric control valves. Pneumatic check valves. Desuperheating valves |
10 | PN25 DN65/150 PN4.0 DN80/100 PN6.4 DN80 PN2.5 DN80/100 PN1.6 DN125/200 |
抚远生物质发电厂 1x30WM Fuyuan biomass power plant |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动截止阀 Electric shut-off valve |
6 | PN1.6 DN50 | 中国国电集团公司九江发 电厂 2600MW Jiujiang power plant straight hair |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动闸阀真空手动截止阀 Electric gate valve Vacuum manual shut-off valve |
3 | PN1.6 DN65/300 | 双鸭山 1 号机组灵活性改 造项目 2X200MW 机组2x200mw unit of Shuangyashan unit 1 flexibility reconstruction project |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动截止阀 Electric shut-off valve |
2 | PN6.4 DN20 | 华能海南东方 4X35MW 电厂 350MW350MW Hainan Oriental |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动闸阀真空手动截止阀 Electric gate valve Vacuum manual shut-off valve |
18 | PN10 DN80PN2.5 DN150 PN1.6 DN250/300 | 印尼玻雅 2x66MW Indonesia Boa |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
真空截止阀 pressure meter vacuum shut-off valve |
8 | PN6.4 DN65 | 国神府谷 2x660MW National God Fugu |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀 shut-off valve |
4 | PN4.0 DN10 | 华能济宁 350MW Huaneng Jining |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动截止阀.电动闸阀. 真空电动闸阀 Electric globe valves. Electric gate valves. Vacuum electric gate valves |
20 | PN5.0 DN100 PN10 DN80PN2.5 DN150 PN1.6 DN250/300 | 187085 吉木萨尔 CCHK01A.513Z-12 直发更 名为新疆准东五彩湾北三电厂 2#机组工程 187085 Gimusal CCHK01A.513Z-12 direct hair changed its name to Xinjiang Quasi-East Colorful Bay North Three Power Plant Unit 2 |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动截止阀. 对夹式手动蝶阀 Electric globe valves. Electric gate valves. Vacuum electric gate valves |
14 | PN25 DN65 PN2.5 DN25 PN1.6 DN25/100 | 扬子石化一期工程 3× 220t/h+410t/h 锅炉 Yangzi Petrochemical |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
不锈钢压力表真空截止阀升降式止回阀.对夹式手动碟阀 Stainless steel pressure gauge vacuum stop valve Lift check valves. Double clip type manual butterfly valves |
28 | PN4.0 DN15/65 PN1.6DN10/15/50/125/150 | 大庆林源 50MW Daqing Linyuan |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
手动截止阀 Manual stop valve |
4 | PN1.6 DN20 PN10 DN25/32/50 | 山西晋钢集团 1x300MW Shanxi Jingang |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀 stop valve |
8 | PN1.6 DN20 PN2.5 DN20 | 光大丰县 1000t/d Everbright Fengxian |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
截止阀.真空截止阀.蝶阀 Globe valves. Vacuum globe valves. Butterfly valves |
13 | PN1.6 DN20/32/150 PN2.5 DN25/32/50/80 | 光 大 宁 海 t/d Everbright Ninghai |
20.1.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
电动截止阀.电动闸阀.真空电动闸阀 Electric globe valves. Electric gate valves. Vacuum electric gate valves |
7 | PN1.6 DN250/300 PN2.5 DN150 | 新会双水 2×150MW Xinhui Shuangshui |
20.1.21 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
阀壳 Valve housing |
1 | 海南东方 4X350MW Hainan Dongfang | |
20.2.26 | 北阀科技集团股份有限公司 North Valve Technology Group Co., LtdNorth Valve Technology Group Co., Ltd |
手动球阀.电动球阀 Manual ball valves electric ball valves |
6 | 2"/4" | 牡二电厂 3x 100MW Mu'er power plant |
20.2.26 | 哈尔滨中电电力设备有限公司 哈尔滨广瀚燃气轮机有限公司 Harbin ZHONG Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Harbin Guanghan Gas Turbine Co., Ltd |
滑油冷却撬 Oil-skiing cooling pry |
2 | PN16/DN150 | 珠海 6X600MW |
20.2.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine plant co. LTD |
自立式压力调节阀疏扩用喷水调节阀水幕喷水用喷水调节阀危急疏水阀 Self-reliance pressure control valve The water spray control valve is used for dredging Water curtain water spray water spray control valve Critical trap |
7 | PN1.6 DN80/125 PN4.0 DN40/50 | 抚远生物质发电厂 1x30WM Fuyuan Biomass |
20.3.2 | 哈尔滨源源动力电站设备有限公司 Harbin Source Power Station Equipment Co., Ltd |
电动闸阀 Electric gate valve |
3 | PN10 DN200 PN4.0 DN500 PN2.5 DN50 | 北海电厂 2x1000MW North Sea power plant |
20.3.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动真空破坏阀.截止阀.真空截止阀 Electric vacuum breaking valves. Globe valves. Vacuum stop valves |
130 | PN1.6 DN15/25/50/150 PN4.0 DN15 PN6.4 DN65/80 |
百矿德保 2×350MW Baikuang Debao |
20.3.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀真空截止阀 Globe valve Vacuum stop valve |
80 | PN1.6 DN25/50/100 PN6.4 DN50/65/125 | 国华锦界 2×600MW Guohua brocade world |
20.3.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
手动截止阀截止阀真空截止阀闸阀 Manual stop valve Globe valve Vacuum stop valve Gate valve |
21 | PN1.6 DN32/100 PN2.5 DN25/32/50/65 PN10 DN40 | 梅里斯项目 2×540MW MERIS project |
20.3.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
气动逆止阀.截止阀.真空截止阀 Pneumatic check valve- Globe Valves Vacuum stop valve |
12 | PN1.6 DN32/50 PN2.5 DN125/200 | 光大丰县 1000t/d Everbright Fengxian |
20.3.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
钢制球阀(二段式)截止阀.真空截止阀 Steel ball (two-stage) globe valves - vacuum globe valves |
19 | PN1.6 DN50 PN4.0 DN20/65 | 山西晋钢集团 1x300MW Shanxi Jingang |
20.3.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
对夹式手动蝶阀钢制球阀 (二段式)截止阀真空截止阀 Wafer type manual but erfly valve ste lbal valve(twosectiontype)stop valve vacu m stop valve |
40 | PN1.6 DN32/50/200 PN4.0 DN15/50/65 | 华能济宁 3X350MW Huaneng Jining |
20.3.11 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
气动疏水阀. 电动疏水阀 Pneumatic traps. Electric traps |
6 | PN1.6 DN25/65 PN4.0 DN25 PN2.5 DN32 PN10 DN20/25 |
山西晋钢集团 1x300MW Shanxi Jingang |
20.3.12 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动截止阀 Electric stop valve |
4 | PN14 DN50 | 印尼北苏三 2X50MW North Suzuki, Indonesia |
20.3.12 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
升降式止回阀 Lift check valve |
2 | PN4.0 DN50 | 大庆林源 2X350MW Linyuan, Daqing |
20.3.12 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
气动疏水阀 Pneumatic drain valve |
2 | PN2.0 DN50/65 | 蓬莱改造 2X900MW Penglai reconstruction |
20.3.17 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
六通切换阀 Six way switching valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN300 | 印尼玻雅 2x660MW Poya, Indonesia |
20.3.17 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
六通切换阀 Six way switching valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN150 | 光大丰县 1000t/d Everbright Fengxian |
20.3.21 | 哈尔滨工程大学 Harbin University of Engineering | 排污阀 Drain valve |
2 | PN6.4 DN25 | 供热改造 Heating reform |
20.3.24 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动压力调节阀 Electric pressure regulator valve |
4 | PN6.4 DN100 | 深能保定 2×350MW Deep Energy Guarantee |
20.3.24 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
再热主汽调节阀 Reheat the main steam regulator valve |
2 | CH02A.306.1Z-25 | 京科科右中 Jingke, center right |
20.3.25 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
连通管蝶阀 Connect the tube butterfly valve |
2 | PN2.5 DN1200 | 内蒙大板 1#改造 2X600MW Inner Mongolia Plate 1 |
20.3.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
安全阀.截止阀.真空截止阀 Safety valve stop valve vacuum stop valve |
50 | PN1.6 DN80/150 PN6.4 DN25/50 | 百矿德保 2×350MW 国华 永州Baikuang Debao Guohua Yongzhou |
20.3.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
连通管蝶阀液动快关调节阀 Connecting pipe butterfly valve.Hydraulic quick closing control valve |
2 | PN2.5 DN600/1200 | 滨海热电 2# 2×300MW BinhaiThermoelectrelectrelec tr of the year 2 |
20.3.31 | 哈尔滨硕方科技有限公司 四川 晟泰能源科技有限公司 Harbin Shufang Technology Co., Ltd. Sichuan Yutai Energy Technology Co., Ltd |
六通阀 Six-way valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN150 | 四川晟泰 Sichuan Yutai |
20.4.3 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂辅机工程有限公司 Harbin Turbine Plant Auxiliary Machine Engineering Co., Ltd |
电动主汽阀. 电动关断阀 Electric main steam valve. Electric shut-off valve |
9 | PN1.6 DN250/350/500 PN2.5 DN150 PN6.4 DN125 PN10 DN80 PN14 DN65/200 |
宝钢德胜项目 1000KW Baosteel Desheng project |
20.4.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
低压缸喷水手动截止阀真空手动截止阀 The low-pressure cylinder sprays the water manual shut-off valveVacuum manual shut-off valve |
3 | PN5.0 DN40 | 绍兴滨海改造 2x350WM Shaoxing Marina Renovation |
20.4.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动闸阀电动截止阀 Electric gate valve electric stop valve |
6 | PN2.5 DN50/225 | 平顶山改造 4x600WM Pingding Mountain Renovation |
20.4.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
抽汽测压截止阀通风蝶阀手动隔离阀 Manual isolating valve for ventilation butterfly valve of steam extraction and pressure measurement |
54 | PN1.6 DN10/40 PN2.5 DN20 | 印尼玻雅 2x660MW Poya, Indonesia |
20.4.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动隔离阀. 电动截止阀.电动闸阀. 手动隔离阀 Electrically operated isolating valves. Electrically operated globe valves. Electrically operated gate valves. Manual isolating valves |
56 | PN1.0 DN80/100 PN1.6 DN40/250/300 PN4.0 DN40/50 PN2.5 DN40/150/200 PN16 DN40 | 双维上海庙电厂 2× 1000MW Two dimensional Shanghai temple |
20.4.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀. 手柄式通风蝶阀 Globe valves - handle type vented butterfly valves |
13 | PN2.5 DN20/32/40/50 | 大庆林源 2X350MW Linyuan, Daqing |
20.4.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀真空截止阀. 对夹式蝶阀 Globe valves, vacuum globe valves, wafer butterfly valves |
126 | PN1.6DN32/40/50/100/125 PN2.5 DN20 PN6.4 DN25/80 |
国华永州 2x1000WM Guohua Yongzh ou |
20.4.7 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
事 故 放 油 阀 Emergency oil drain valve |
2 | PN2.5 DN150 | 辰能密山/辰能牡丹江 1x300WM Chenneng Mishan / Chenneng Mudanjiang |
20.4.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
疏水阀-再热主汽调节联合阀阀壳 Trap - Reheat the main steam regulation joint valve housing |
2 | 1"/11/2' | 山西晋钢集团 1x300MW Shanxi Jingang |
20.4.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀 Globe valve |
14 | B100006 B100006 A40020 A100010 |
重点工程 Key projects |
20.4.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
六通阀 Six-way valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN150 | 抚远生物质发电厂 1x300WM Fuyuan biomass |
20.4.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动疏水阀 Electric drain valve |
3 | PN1.6 DN32 PN2.5 DN32/50 | 滨海改造 2x350WM Coastal reconstruction |
20.4.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
气动疏水阀 Pneumatic drain valve |
10 | 181.531Z-1 | 抚远生物质发电厂 1x300WM Fuyuan biomass |
20.4.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀 Globe valve |
12 | DN6 | 华盛江泉 3x135WM Huasheng Jiangquan |
20.4.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀 Globe valve |
6 | PN1.6 DN50/100 PN2.5 DN32/80 | 光大宁海 19700t/d Everbright Ninghai |
20.4.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
汽封管路(含汽封系统阀门) Steam seal pipeline (including steam seal system valve) |
1 | 176.501Z-1(含 176.513Z-1) |
齐齐哈尔梅里斯生物质发电 1x400WM Qiqihar meiris |
20.4.9 | 辽宁华电铁岭有限公司Liaoning Hua electric Tieling Co., Ltd | 电动蝶阀 Electric butterfly valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN100 | 铁岭电厂 4x300WM Tieling Power Plant |
20.4.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀真空截止阀 shut-off valve Vacuum shut-off valve |
21 | PN1.6 DN20/32/100 PN2.5 DN25/150 PN4.0 DN20/25/32 | 抚远生物质发电厂 1x30WM Fuyuan Biomass |
20.4.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动截止阀 Electric shut-off valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN150/200 | 广西盛隆 1x85MW Guangxi Shenglong project |
20.4.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀 Cut-off valve |
6 | PN1.6 DN25 PN2.5 DN40/50 | 华能济宁 350MW Huaneng Jining |
20.4.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
压力调节阀 Pressure-regulating valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN150 | 西上庄 2x 660MW Xishangzhuang |
20.4.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
压力调节阀 Pressure-regulating valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN150 | 新会双水 2×1500MW Xinhui Shuangshui |
20.4.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
手动调节阀 Cut off valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN150 | 赣能丰城 4x300MW Ganneng Fengcheng |
20.4.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动截止阀截止阀 Electric stop valve |
12 | PN1.6 DN50 | 国华永州 2×1000MW Guohua Yongzhou |
20.4.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
不锈钢压力表截止阀,对夹式手动蝶阀,截止阀 Stainless steel pressure gauge stop valve e wafer type manual butterfly valve stop valve |
30 | PN1.6 DN10/15 PN4.0 DN10 | 抚远生物质发电厂 1x300WM Fuyuan biomass |
20.4.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀 Cut-off valve |
1 | PN40 DN10 | 华能济宁 2x350MW Huaneng Jining |
20.4.30 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀 Cut-off valve |
6 | PN2.5 DN100 PN4.0 DN100 | 华润锦州 2X660MW China Resources Jinzhou |
20.4.30 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀 Cut-off valve |
6 | PN6.4 DN25 | 百矿德保 2×350MW Baikuang Debao |
20.4.30 | 辽宁卓越真空设备有限公司Liaoning Excellent Vacuum Equipment Co., Ltd | 真空镀膜罐体 Vacuum coated tank |
1 | PN4.0 DN100 | |
20.5.7 | 哈尔滨汽机电站设备配套有限公司 Harbin Steam Engine Power Station Equipment Support Co., Ltd |
不锈钢压力表截止阀不锈钢压力表真空截止阀 Stainless steel pressure meter shut-off valve Stainless steel pressure meter vacuum shut-off valve |
50 | PN1.6 DN15/150 PN4.0 DN15 PN2.5 DN15/50 PN2.0 DN80 | |
20.5.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
补汽阀导汽管手动疏水阀Make up the valve guide manual trap | 32 | PN1.6 DN20/32 PN2.5 DN25 PN10 DN32 PN15 DN25 |
力勤矿业印尼镍铁 150mw1#2# Liqin Mining Indonesia Nickel Iron 1 |
20.5.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
高压主汽调节联合阀阀壳手动疏水阀 High-pressure main steam regulation joint valve shell manual trap |
1 | PN2.5 DN15 | 乌沙山 4#机组改造 2x1000WM Ushashan 4 unit transformation |
20.5.13 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
高压主汽调节联合阀阀壳手动疏水阀 High-pressure main steam regulation joint valve shell manual trap |
1 | PN2.5 DN15 | 大唐潮州 2#改造 2x600WM he transformation of Chaozhou in the Tang Dynasty |
20.5.13 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
仪表阀门截止阀 Instrument valve stop valve |
28 | PN1.6 DN4/50/65/80/100 | 华润锦州 2X660MW China Resources Jinzhou |
20.5.16 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
汽封及疏水系统管道(含汽封及疏水系统阀门,低压缸喷水管道 Soda and hydrophobic system pipes (including steam seal and hydrophobic system valves, low-pressure cylinder water spray pipes). |
1 | 181.501Z-1(含 181.513Z-1, 181.521Z-1) |
抚远生物质发电厂 1x300WM Fuyuan Biomass |
20.5.18 | 长春锅炉仪表程控设备股份有限公司 Changchun Boiler Instrument Program Control Equipment Co., Ltd |
真空闸阀闸阀真空排污阀(截止阀) Vacuum gate valve Gate valve. Vacuum drain valve (cut-off valve) |
17 | PN1.6 DN20/25 | 管 路 维 修 Changchun Boiler Instrument Program Control Equipment Co., Ltd |
20.5.19 | 白音华金山发电有限公司Baiyin Huajin Mountain Power Generation Co., Ltd | 球阀.闸阀.压力释放阀.蝶阀.溢流阀截止阀 Ball valve. gate valve pressure relief valve butterfly valve. relief valve .stop valve |
26 | PN1.0 DN200 PN1.6 DN50/125/250 PN40 DN20 |
白音华金山发电有限公司 2×660MW Baiyin Huajin Mountain Power Generation Co., Ltd |
20.5.21 | 华能伊春热电有限公司 Huan energy Yichun Thermal Power Co., Ltd |
法兰.闸阀.法兰球阀 Flange gate valve.Flange ball valve |
62 | PN1.6 DN25 PN2.5 DN200/250 | 华能伊春热电汽机专用 2 ×350 兆瓦 Huan energy Yichun thermoelectrelectred machine dedicated |
20.5.21 | 黑龙江华电齐齐哈尔热电有限公司 Heilongjiang Hua Electric Qiqihar Thermal Power Co., Ltd |
电动闸阀.电动蝶阀. 疏水气动门.手动球阀. 出口止回阀 Electric gate valves. Electric butterfly valves. Pneumatic drain valves. Manual ball valves. Outlet check valves |
36 | PN1.6 DN25/250/300 PN2.5 DN200 PN10 DN500/550 1500LB2"/2 1/2" 3100LB 2" 1/2" |
黑龙江华电齐齐哈尔热电有限公司 1 号机 6×155MW Heilongjiang Hua Electric Qiqihar Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Unit 1 high and low voltage bypass system valve |
20.5.23 | 华能吉林发电有限公司长春热 电厂 Huan energy Jilin Power Generation Co., Ltd. Changchun thermal power plant |
截止阀.疏水器.闸阀.止回阀.安全阀.针型阀 Stop valve steam trap gate valve check valve safety valve needle valve |
97 | PN1.6 DN40/50/80 PN2.5 DN25/200/500 PN4.0 DN50 | 长春热电厂 2×350MW Changchun thermal power plant |
20.5.25 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动调节阀 Electric regulator valve |
2 | PN16.0 DN50 | 渭南 2×350MW Minnan |
20.5.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
变径接管 Change the path to take over |
14 | 20# 304 |
国核压力水堆示范工程 National Nuclear Pressure Water Reactor Demonstration Project Porter After Sale |
20.5.28 | 通辽发电总厂有限责任公司 Tongliao Power Plant Co., Ltd |
耐磨排渣阀 Wear-resistant slag valve |
5 | PN1.6 DN300 | 通辽电厂 5x400MW Tongliao Power Plant |
20.5.29 | 华电能源股份有限公司哈尔滨 第三发电厂 Hua electricity energy Co., Ltd. Harbin third power plant |
焊接闸阀 Weld the gate valve |
94 | PN1.6 DN65/125/150 | 哈三电厂 1x200MW Ha San power plant |
20.5.30 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
凝汽器水室自动排气阀 The condenser water chamber automatic exhaust valve |
8 | PN1.6 DN100 | 新疆准东五彩湾北三电厂 1#2#机组工程 2×660MW Xinjiang Quasi-East Colorful Bay North Three Power Plant Unit 1 |
20.6.5 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
电动调节阀 Electric regulator valve |
2 | PN16.0 DN50 | 保定项目 4x350WM Baoding project |
20.6.6 | 牡二电厂 Peony II Power Plant |
高压旁路蒸汽转换阀.高压旁路蒸汽变换阀.减温水电动门 High-pressure bypass steam conversion valve High-pressure bypass steam change valve reduces the temperature of the water electric door |
7 | PN2.0 DN200 PN3.2 DN65 PN6.4 DN300 PN16 DN50 | 牡二电厂 3x1000MW Peony II Power Plant |
20.6.8 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
对焊式长半径 90°弯头螺栓外螺纹弯管接头 For welded long radius of 90 degrees elbow 20×Z1/2"External threaded elbow joint |
326 | 20×Z1/2" M12×55 Bolt M12×55 | 新疆锦龙神雾五五工业园 1#2#2x350WM Xinjiang Jinlong Shen fog five five industrial park 1 s2 # |
20.6.10 | 华电能源佳木斯热电厂 Hua electricity energy Jiamus thermal power plant |
高旁减温水调节阀低旁温水调节阀高旁电动门高旁调整门低旁调整门电动闸阀气动疏水球阀 High bypass desuperheating water regulating valve low bypass desuperheating water regulating valve high bypass electric valve high bypass regulating valve low bypass regulating valve electric gate valve pneumatic drain ball valve |
22 | PN20 DN175 PN2.5 DN50/600 | 华电能源佳木斯热电厂 1×1000MW Hua electricity energy Jiamus thermal power plant |
20.6.11 | 牡二电厂 Peony II Power Plant |
球阀含电动执行器截止阀 Ball valve with electric actuator. stop valve |
53 | 4500LP DN50/100 PN3.2 DN50 | 牡二电厂 8#9#锅炉过热 再热减温水系统改造 3x 1000MW Peony II Power Plant 8 s 9 s boiler overheating and reheat heat reduction water system transformation |
20.6.18 | 德阳东汽电站机械制造有限公 司 Deyang Dongqi Power Station Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
4#低加正常疏水调节器 4 - Low plus normal hydrophobic regulator |
8 | PN1.6 DN32/65/80/100 | 哈汽同江生物质 2x300WM Haqi Tongjiang Biomass |
20.6.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀事故放油阀 Cut-off valveAccident discharge valve |
40 | PN2.5 DN150 PN4.0 DN15 | 华能济宁 350MW/印尼玻 雅 2x660MW/国华永州Huaneng Jining/Poya, Indonesia/Guohua Yongzhou |
20.6.23 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
连通管蝶阀 Connect the tube butterfly valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN1400 | 五五工业园 2x350WM May 5 Industrial Park |
20.6.24 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
手柄式通风蝶阀.截止阀. 事故放油阀.电动截止阀 Handle type ventilation butterfly valve. stop valve .emergency oil discharge valve .electric stop valve |
36 | PN2.5 DN20/50 PN4.0 DN20 PN10 DN25/100/125 900Lb DN100 |
新会双水 2×1500MW 项目 新疆准东五彩湾北三电厂 1#2#机组工程华盛江泉印尼玻雅 2x660MW 通流改造项目大唐潮州 2#改造 Xinhui Shuangshui project Xinjiang ZhundongWucaiwanBeisanpowerplant No.1 × 2 × unit project Huasheng Jiangquan Indonesia Boya flow transformation project Datang Chaozhou 2 × transformation project |
20.6.24 | 中国原子能科学研究院 China Atomic Energy Research Institute |
蝶阀 Butterfly valve |
1 | PN1.0 DN200 | 实验快堆 1×200MW Beijing Atomic Energy Institute |
20.6.28 | 通辽发电总厂有限责任公司 Tongliao Power Plant Co., Ltd |
摆动式陶瓷进料阀气动高温出料阀衬胶隔膜阀 Swinging ceramic feed valve Pneumatic high temperature drain valve Lining the diaphragm valve |
20 | PN10 DN125/200 | 通辽发电总厂有限责任公司 4x200MW Tongliao Power Plant Co., Ltd |
20.6.29 | 伊春华能电厂生产部门 The production department of Yichun Huan energy power plant |
真空闸阀 Vacuum gate valve |
2 | PN2.5 DN250 | 伊春华能电厂 1×400MW The production department of Yichun Huan energy power plant |
20.6.30 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
六通阀 球型 Six-way valve ball type Six-way valve |
6 | PN1.0 DN200 PN1.6 DN250 | 力勤矿业印尼项目 西 上 庄 2x 660MW Liqin Mining Indonesia Project |
20.7.1 | 华能伊春热电有限公司 Huan energy Yichun Thermal Power Co., Ltd | 安全阀.对夹逆止阀.焊接 球阀 Safety valve. Pair the clamp counter-check valveWelding ball valve |
587 | PN1.6DN25/40/50/65/80/10 0/150/200/250/400 | 华能伊春热电汽机专用 2 ×350 兆瓦 Huan energy Yichun Thermal Power Co., Ltd |
20.7.1 | 沈阳鼓风机集团申蓝机械有限公司 Shenyang Blower Group Shenlan Machinery Co., Ltd | 左型空排止回阀右型空排止回阀 empty drain check valve |
6 | PN4.0 DN125 | 管道维修 Shenyang Blower Group Shenlan Machinery Co., Ltd |
20.7.3 | 哈尔滨鼎能电力发展有限公司 Harbin Dingn energy power development Co., Ltd |
电动截止阀 Electric shut-off valve |
1 | PN14 DN50 | 哈尔滨鼎能电力发展有限 公司 Harbin Dingn energy power development Co., Ltd |
20.7.4 | 西安热工研究院有限公司Xi'an Thermal Research Institute Co., Ltd | 液动快关调节阀.电动蝶阀.气动抽汽止逆阀 Liquid fast-off control valve Electric butterfly valve Pneumatic pumping check valve |
3 | PN2.5 DN200 | 蒲城电厂 350MW 大唐西安热电厂 2x1000MW Pucheng Power Plant The Great Tang Xi'an Thermal Power Plant |
20.7.10 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀.电动截止阀.电动 真空截止阀 Cut-off valve Electric shut-off valve Electric vacuum shut-off valve |
67 | PN4.0 DN15 PN6.4 DN125 PN6.4 DN20 | 国神府谷 2x660MW 泉州改造Quanzhou transformation G63.531Z-10 straight hair |
20.7.11 | 德阳东汽电站机械制造有限公 司 Deyang Dongqi Power Station Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
六通切换阀 Six-way switch valve |
3 | PN1.6 DN200 | 本钢钢材同江项目 300MW This steel steel Tongjiang Project Elan Project |
20.7.13 | 哈尔滨华强电力电站设备修造 有限责任公司 Harbin Huaqiang Power Station Equipment Repair Co., Ltd |
气动抽汽止逆阀 Pneumatic pumping check valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN400 | 辰能密山 1X30MW/辰能牡 丹江 1×300MW Chen energy Mishan / Chenn energy peony river |
20.7.14 | 鸡西大唐第一热电厂 The first thermal power plant in Chixi Datang | 截止阀.减温水调节阀 Cut-off valve Thtemperature-reducing water regulator valve |
4 | PN20.0 DN40 PN32.0 DN40 | 鸡西大唐第一热电厂 1x300MW The first thermal power plant in Chixi Datang |
20.7.14 | 丹东金山热电有限公司Dandong Jinshan Thermal Power Co., Ltd | 排气阀.球阀.暖通球阀 Exhaust valve Ball valve HB ball valve |
4073 | PN1.6DN20/25/32/4050/65/ 80/100/125 | 丹东金山热电 2×300MW Dandong Jinshan thermal power |
7.15 | 广州海恩能源技术有限公司 Guangzhou Hain Energy Technology Co., Ltd | 扩容器电动控制阀 Expand the container electric control valve | 2 | PN2.5 DN50 | 2771030/2771031 国华定 州项目凝背机及高背压凝汽器 2771030/2771031 Guohuading state project clotting machine and high back pressure coagulator |
7.17 | 西安热工研究院有限公司西安西热节能技术有限公司 Xi'an Thermal Research Institute Co., Ltd. Xi'an West Thermal Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd | "液动调节型快 关蝶阀.电动蝶阀.电动调节阀 Liquid-adjusted fastbutterfly valve" Electric butterfly valve Electric regulator valve |
15 | PN1.6 DN350/900 PN2.5DN32 PN4.0 DN50 | 泰安热电 2x350MW Tai'anthermoelectrelectrelec t power |
20.7.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
连通管蝶阀.抽汽止逆阀.前气动疏水阀.冷却蒸汽电动流量调节阀 Connect the tube butterfly valve The pneumatic trap in front of the pumping check counter valve Cool the steam electric flow control valve |
9 | PN1.6 DN1400 PN2.0 DN50/65 | 蓬莱改造大唐长二热 2# 改造大唐长二热 2#改造华能渭南 2x350WM Penglai Renovation Datang Chang II Heat 2 Datang Chang II Heat 2 01#2#Huanen Minnan 1 s2 # |
20.7.23 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀.真空截止阀.安全阀 Cut-off valveVacuum shut-off valve Safety valve. |
36 | PN4.0 DN15 PN6.4 DN40 PN1.6 DN50 | 华盛江泉泉州改造国神府 谷 2x660MW 百矿德保 2× 350MW Huasheng Jiangquan Quanzhou Renovation National Shrine Valley Hundred Mine Debao |
20.7.27 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
真空破坏阀 Vacuum damage valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN200 | 187084/085 新疆准东五 彩湾北三电厂 4X660MW Xinjiang Quasi-East Colorful Bay North Three Power Plant 1 s2 # |
20.7.28 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
冷却蒸汽系统用电动调节阀.电动低压减温阀组 The cooling steam system uses an electric regulator valve Electric low pressure temperature reduction valve set |
6 | PN1.6 DN400 PN6.4 DN25 | 大唐绥化热电#1 机组灵活性改造 Datang Yuhua thermoelectrelectrelec tr of the same unit flexibility transformation |
20.7.28 | 703 所新能动力公司 703 new power companies | 电动闸阀.真空闸阀.止回阀 Electricgatevalve VacumgatevalveCheckvalve |
12 | PN4.0 DN300 PN4.0 DN200 | 蓬莱项目 2x900WM Penglai Project |
20.7.30 | 西安热工研究院有限公司Xi'an Thermal Research Institute Co., Ltd | 电动调节型三偏心金属双向密封蝶阀 Electric adjustment type three eccentric metal two-way seal butterfly valve |
12 | PN1.0 DN1100 PN2.5 DN700 PN2.5 DN600 | 大庆热电 2×350MW Daqing thermal power |
20.8.4 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
不锈钢压力表真空截止阀.气动截止阀.电动高压减温阀组用调节阀 Stainless steel pressure meter vacuum shut-off valve The electric high-pressure thermostat is used to regulate the valve Pneumatic shut-off valve |
12 | PN1.6 DN50 PN1.6 DN25 | 力勤项目 1#2#3#4#Force2x350WM Work Project 1 s 2 s 3 s ChinaResources Jinzhou 1 # |
20.8.7 | 哈尔滨硕方科技有限公司(天津 市永珠泵阀制造有限公司) Harbin Shufang Technology Co., Ltd. (Tianjin Yongzhu Pump Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) |
六通阀 Six-way valve |
1 | PN1.0 DN150 | 天津市永珠泵阀制造有限公司 Tianjin Yongzhu Pump Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd. |
20.8.8 | 长春锅炉仪表程控设备股份有 限公司 Changchun Boiler Instrument Program Control Equipment Co., Ltd |
截止阀\闸阀.真空截止阀.真空闸阀 Cut-off valveGate valve. Vacuum shut-off valve Vacuum gate valve |
10 | PN1.6 DN25 PN1.6 DN20 | 供热改造 Heating reform |
20.8.10 | 中石化宁波工程有限公司Sinopec Ningbo Engineering Co., Ltd | 截止阀 Cut-off valve |
4 | PN14.0 DN25 PN14.0 DN40 PN32.0 DN10 PN6.3 DN10 |
中科炼化电厂 2x350WM Chinese science and technology refining power plant |
20.8.13 | 西安热工研究院有限公司 Xi'an Thermal Research Institute Co., Ltd | 电动调节阀.连通管蝶阀 Electric regulator valve Connect the tube butterfly valve |
3 | PN1.6 DN350 PN4.0 DN65 PN1.6 DN1200 | 海拉尔电厂 2×200MW Hilal Power Plant |
20.8.14 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀 shut-off valve |
19 | PN25.0 DN10 PN6.4 DN15 PN1.6 DN20 PN1.6 DN10 |
大唐潮州 2#改造 2x600WM Datang Chaozhou 2, remodel |
20.8.16 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
锻钢截止阀.外螺纹青铜截止阀.外螺纹青铜止回阀 Forged steel cut-off valve External threaded bronze cut-off valve Exterior threaded bronze check valve |
3 | A40015 B100006 B40032 | 重点工程 Key Projects |
20.8.19 | 哈尔滨硕方科技有限公司(上海 朗茂机电科技有限公司)Harbin Shufang Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai Longmao Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd.) |
六通阀 Six-way valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN200 | 上海朗茂机电科技有限公 司Shanghai Longmao Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd. |
20.8.20 | 山东金拓热能科技有限公司 Shandong Jinto Thermal Technology Co., Ltd | 安全阀电磁阀(220V 电开型)蝶式止回阀 Safety valve. Solenoid valve (220V electric open type) Butterfly check valve |
71 | PN1.6 DN45/65/80/100 PN2.5DN65/80/100/200 | 供热改造 Heating reform |
20.8.24 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
测压截止阀截止阀 Pressure-measuring shut-off valve Cut-off valve |
4 | PN6.3 DN10 PN1.6 DN20 PN6.4 DN20/40 | 光大丰县 1000t/d 国华 永州神华胜利Guangdafeng County Snzhou Victory Guohua Yongzhou |
20.8.26 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
低压缸喷水电动调节阀电动减温阀组冷却蒸汽电动流量调节阀 Low-pressure cylinder spray electric regulator valve Electric thermostat Cool the steam electric flow control valve |
3 | PN6.3 DN40 PN1.6 DN300 | 大唐盘山切缸改造项2x600WM Datang Panshan cut cylinder transformation items |
20.8.27 | 内蒙古通辽市通辽发电总厂有 限 责 任 公 司 Tongliao Power Plant Co., Ltd., Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia |
电动调节阀 Electric regulator valve |
3 | PN2.5 DN200 PN2.5 DN300 | 内蒙古通辽市通辽发电总 厂有限责任公司 4x200MW o Power Plant Co., Ltd., Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia |
20.8.27 | 上海电投电能成套设备有限公司 Shanghai Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd | 电动调节阀 Electric regulator valve |
2 | PN2.5 DN125 PN2.5 DN250 | 国家电投平庄热电厂 3x75t electricity investment Pingzhuang thermal power plant |
20.8.27 | 中铝环保节能科技(湖南)有限公司 Chinalco Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Technology (Hunan) Co., Ltd |
电动闸阀.连通管蝶阀.气动逆止阀.液动快关蝶阀 Electric gate valve Connect the tube butterfly valve PneumaticreversecheckvalveLiquid fast shut-off butterfly valve |
4 | PN1.6 DN700 PN1.6 DN900 PN1.6 DN700 PN1.6 DN700 | 中铝环保 1×125MW Chinalco is environmentally friendly |
20.8.31 | 辽阳卓尔机电设备有限公司Liaoyang Zhuor Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd | 六通阀密封圈 Six-way valve seal |
1 | PN1.0 DN150 | 设备检修 Maintenance equipment |
20.8.31 | 中国原子能科学研究院 China Atomic Energy Research Institute |
电动蝶阀.电动截止阀.电动闸阀 Electric butterfly valve Electric shut-off valve Electric gate valve |
5 | PN0.6 DN800 PN10.0 DN80 PN4.0 DN100 | 实验快堆 1×200MW |
20.9.2 | 哈尔滨和平汽轮机辅机制造有限公司 Harbin Peace Turbine Auxiliary Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
电动真空破坏阀.气动喷水调节阀.疏扩用喷水阀.液位测量一次门(闸阀) TElectric vacuum damage valve Pneumatic jet water regulator he water spray valve is used for dredging Level measurement once do r (gate valve) |
4 | PN1.6 DN100 PN4.0 DN50 PN4.0 DN40 PN1.6 DN20 | 国家电投 揭东燃气热电项目 2X1000MW 79010State Electric Investment Jiedong gas thermal power project 279009/279010 |
20.9.4 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
自力式压力调节阀 Self-adjusting pressure regulator valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN100 | 光大宁抚远生物质发电厂 1x30WM 项目海Guangda Ninghai Fuyuan Biomass Project |
20.9.5 | 中国原子能科学研究院 China Atomic Energy Research Institute | 电动蝶阀 Electric butterfly valve |
2 | PN1.0 DN600 | 实验快堆 1×200MW |
20.9.7 | 哈尔滨华能电站设备安装有限 公司 Harbin Huan energy power station equipment installation Co., Ltd |
全焊接球阀 Fully welded ball valve |
1 | PN2.5 DN300 | 哈尔滨华能电站 600MW Harbin Huan energy power station |
20.9.10 | 吉林省一金电力工程有限公司Jilin Province, a gold power engineering Co., Ltd | 截止阀 Cut-off valve |
3 | PN2.5 DN100 PN2.5 DN20 PN2.5 DN50 | 设备检修 Maintenance equipment |
20.9.15 | 华电能源股份有限公司哈尔滨 第三发电厂 Hua electricity energy Co., Ltd. Harbin third power plant |
球阀 Ball valve |
6 | PN1.6DN50/65/80/100/125/ 150 | 哈三电厂 3x200MW Ha San power plant |
20.9.16 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀. 手动截止阀 Cut-off valve Manual shut-off valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN80 PN6.4 DN20 | 广东炼化 2x350WM Guangdong refining 抚远生物质发电厂 1x30WM Fuyuan Biomass |
20.9.16 | 西安热工研究院有限公司 Xi'an Thermal Research Institute Co., Ltd | 采暖抽汽电动关断蝶阀电动调节阀 电动真空闸阀截止阀气动抽汽止回阀手动截止阀手动真空闸阀液动快关抽汽调节阀液动快开抽汽调节阀 Heating pumping electric shut off the butterfly valve Electric regulator valve Electric vacuum gate valveCut-off valve Pneumatic pump check valveManual shut-off valveManual vacuum gate valveLiquid fast off the pumping control valveLiquid quickly open the pumping valve |
19 | PN1.6DN15/20/32/250/300/ 350 PN4.0 DN25 |
富平电厂 2x350MW Fuping power plant |
20.9.29 | 哈尔滨天工仪表有限公司 Harbin Tiangong Instrument Co., Ltd |
法兰球阀 The french ball valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN20 | 设备检修 Maintenance equipment |
20.9.30 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
316 不锈钢球阀 316 stainless steel ball valve |
2 | PN2.5 DN10/20 | 平顶山项目 4x660WM Pingding Mountain Project |
20.9.30 | 通辽发电总厂有限责任公司 Tongliao Power Plant Co., Ltd |
焊接闸阀闸阀 Weld the gate valve Gate valve. |
3 | PN2.5 DN50 PN2.5 DN600 | 通辽电厂 4x200MW Tongliao Power Plant |
20.10.4 | 中国原子能科学研究院 China Atomic Energy Research Institute |
不锈钢蝶阀 Stainless steel butterfly valve |
1 | PN1.0 DN80 | 设备检修 Maintenance equipment |
20.10.10 | 清河电厂 Qinghe Power Plant |
电动闸阀.手动闸阀 Electric gate valve Manual gate valve |
2 | PN1.6 DN600 PN1.6 DN400 | 清河电厂 2×600MW Qinghe Power Plant |
20.10.13 | 哈尔滨源源动力电站设备有限公司 Harbin Source Power Station Equipment Co., Ltd |
对夹式止回阀 For the clamp check valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN100 | 设备检修 Maintenance equipment |
20.10.15 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
不锈钢压力表真空截止阀 Stainless steel pressure meter vacuum shut-off valve |
1 | PN1.6 DN10 PN1.6MPa 两侧焊接φ16×3 |
国华锦界 2×600MW Guohua Jinjie |
20.10.20 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
阀门改造 Valve modification |
26 | 1″-4″ | 百矿德保 2×350MW 1#4Bai Mine Debao 1 s 江泉 1#0Jiangquan 1 s |
20.10.23 | 通辽第二发电有限责任公司 Tongliao Second Power Generation Co., Ltd | 低压旁路阀.高压旁路阀 Low pressure bypass valve.High-pressure bypass valve |
2 | 设备检修 2×135MW Maintenance equipment | |
20.10.27 | 哈尔滨市鑫昌市政工程有限公司 Harbin Xinchang Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd |
Y 型过滤器.电磁阀.法兰球阀.焊接球阀.微启弹簧式安全阀.止回阀 Type Y filterSolenoid valve.The french ball valve.Welding ball valve.Micro-start spring relief valve Check valve |
29 | PN1.6DN8/20/25/32/50/100 /125/150 |
设备检修 Maintenance equipment |
20.10.27 | 铁岭电厂 Tieling Power Plant |
调节阀 Regulate the valve |
1 | PN1.0 DN150 | 铁岭电厂 4x300MW Tieling Power Plant |
20.10.29 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
截止阀外螺纹不锈钢截止阀 Cut-off valve External threaded stainless steel cut-off valve |
4 | A25032 A25050 A25025 B64006 | 重点工程 Key Projects |
20.10.30 | 哈尔滨汽机电站设备配套有限 公司 Harbin Steam Engine Power Station Equipment Support Co., Ltd |
安全阀.S 焊接球阀 afety valve.Welding ball valve |
2 | PN2.5 DN25 PN4.0 DN15 | 哈尔滨汽机电站 2× 600MW Harbin Steam Engine Power Station |
20.10.30 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
阀门维修 valve service |
6 | PN16.0 DN3 PN6.4 DN25 PN1.6 DN20-65 PN2.5DN15 | 伊拉克萨拉哈丁 2x630MW Iraqi Salahuddin |
20.10.30 | 沈阳华润热电有限公司Shenyang China Resources Thermal Power Co., Ltd | 电动调节蝶阀.对夹蝶阀.
截止阀.气动蝶阀 The butterfly valve is electrically regulated For the clamp butterfly valve Cut-off valve |
6 | PN1.6 DN200 PN25.0 DN15 PN1.0 DN100 PN1.0 DN50 | 沈阳华润热电 2×350MW Shenyang China Resources thermoelectrelectrelec tr |
20.11.4 | 铁岭电厂 Tieling Power Plant |
线性推力单元 Linear thrust unit |
1 | 设备检修 4x300MW Maintenance equipment | |
20.11.5 | 哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司 Harbin steam turbine works Co., Ltd |
Y 型过滤器热再热供汽气动调节阀 Type Y filter Hot reheat steam pneumatic control valve |
2 | PN6.3 DN40 PN16.0 DN100 | 横琴 2#改造项目 2x390WM Hengqin 2 , Renovation Project G167.513Z-1 |
20.11.5 | 哈尔滨顺远电站设备有限公司 Harbin Shunyuan Power Station Equipment Co., Ltd |
截止阀.真空球阀 Cut-off valve Vacuum ball valve |
2 | PN4.0 DN100 PN1.0 DN150 | 设备检修 Maintenance equipment |
20.11.6 | 德阳东汽电站机械制造有限公 司 Deyang Dongqi Power Station Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
安全阀 Safety valve. |
4 | PN1.6 DN65 PN2.5 DN25/65 | 设备检修 Maintenance equipment |
20.11.16 | 703 所 703 | 安全阀 Safety valve. |
1 | PN10.0 DN15 | 设备检修 Maintenance equipment |
20.11.23 | 牡二电厂 Peony II Power Plant |
DHZ0-A-073-L5DHZ0-A-073-L5 | 1 | 设备检修 1030MW Maintenance equipment | |
20.11.25 | 黑龙江华电齐齐哈尔热电有限 公司Heilongjiang Hua Electric Qiqihar Thermal Power Co., Ltd |
蝶阀 Butterfly valve |
1 | PN2.5 DN400 | 黑龙江华电齐齐哈尔热电 有限公司 2x300MW Heilongjiang Hua Electric Qiqihar Thermal Power Co., Ltd |